Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project
Assembly Programmers - Help Axe Optimize!
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I'm going to post most of the assembly routines I use in Axe Parser here to see if any of you asm programmers can help me with their optimizations.

* I am always trying to optimize for size, not speed, unless it is significantly faster and close to the same size.
* I would greatly prefer that it does not use any extra RAM to store temporary variables, but  that's not that big of a deal.
* No self modifying code or undocumented commands because I need to make this compatible for Apps and with the Nspire TI-84 emulator.
The most important thing right now is the clipped sprite routine since its really big.  Here's what I got so far:

   push   hl
   pop   ix      ;Input hl = Sprite
   ld   b,7      ;Input c = Sprite X Position
   ld   d,0      ;Input e = Sprite Y Position
   ld   h,d
   ld   a,c
   add   a,b
   jr   c,__ClipLeft
   sub   96+7
   ret   nc
   cp   b
   jr   nc,__NoClipH
   inc   d
   jr   __ClipHDone
   add   a,89
   ld   c,a
   inc   d      ;d,c,e are updated
   ld   a,e
   add   a,b
   jr   c,__ClipTop
   sub   64+7
   ret   nc
   cp   b
   jr   nc,__NoClipV
   jr   __ClipBottom
   inc   ix
   inc   e
   jr   nz,__ClipTop
   ld   b,a
__NoClipV:         ;b,ix,e are updated.
   dec   d
   jr   z,__NoFix
   inc   e
   push   de
   ld   l,e
   ld   d,h
   add   hl,hl
   add   hl,de
   add   hl,hl
   add   hl,hl
   ld   e,c
   ld   a,e
   srl   e
   srl   e
   srl   e
    add   hl,de
   ld   de,plotSScreen-11
   add   hl,de
   pop   de
   inc   b
    and   %00000111
   jr   z,__DrawOr8x8Aligned
   ld   c,a
   push   bc
   ld   b,c
   ld   c,(ix+0)
   xor   a
   srl   c
   djnz   __DrawOr8x8Shift
   dec   d
   jr   z,__SkipRight
   or   (hl)
   ld   (hl),a
   dec   hl
   inc   d
   jr   z,__SkipLeft
   ld   a,c
   or   (hl)
   ld   (hl),a
   ld   c,13
   add   hl,bc
   inc   ix
   pop   bc
   djnz   __DrawOr8x8Loop
   dec   hl
   ld   de,12
   ld   a,(ix+0)
   or   (hl)
   ld   (hl),a
   inc   ix
   add   hl,de
   djnz   __DrawOr8x8AlignedLoop

If you spot anything that can be optimized, bold it so I can see what you changed, thanks!
DJ Omnimaga:
I would prefer no extra RAM usage at all. Otherwise, games may not run on any TI-84+ manufactured after April 2007 and will not be compatible with the regular 83+, meaning a considerable drop in the author's audience.

--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 26, 2010, 04:57:59 pm ---I would prefer no extra RAM usage at all. Otherwise, games may not run on any TI-84+ manufactured after April 2007 and will not be compatible with the regular 83+, meaning a considerable drop in the author's audience.

--- End quote ---
Generally ram usage is just the routine needs some temporary bytes to store data. (bytes in the program itself or inserted in the TI-OS available RAM or free ram zones of the TI-OS) Only when you need a good amount of memory you use the extra ram pages.
Aldo if I'm not wrong there is a little extra ram in the newer calcs, but not that much.
DJ Omnimaga:
Yeah. I'm not sure if it's accessed the same way, though.
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