Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project
Axiom Requests
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This is the place to make requests for specific assembly commands you might need in your Axe programs as well as to show off or improve existing Axioms. In case you're not familiar with the lingo, Axioms are assembly libraries that extend the Axe language.  They can be linked into your Axe programs by using the command: #Axiom(AXIOMNAME).  To write your own Axioms, check out the AxiomSDK in the "Tools" folder of the latest version of Axe Parser (assembly knowledge required!).

As another feature of this thread.  I have more space for custom Axiom tokens.  If you can think of some token names which have no near-substitutes and are general enough for many possible uses, I will definitely consider adding them.

Here is a list of current Axioms (mods, please update):
LCDKit: Control many features of the LCD screen - By Runer112
Pucrunch: Efficiently Compress/Decompress your program data - By Iambian
Crabcake: Allows you to turn your Axe program into a larger-than-8-KB ASM program - By Hot_Dog
SpeedKey: Optimized Getkey for just the arrows - By Binder News
Aiming Utility: Returns an angle that can be used to aim at targets given a delta X and Y - By Iambian
There has been conversation about advanced graphics features, such as floodfill (with grayscale support) and masked LCD sprite display, which could probably make a fairly decent Axiom. Though masked LCD sprite display would probably go better in Runer112's LCDKit, and he was talking about doing it eventually anyway.
Something that would allow the font to be edited on-calc.
That would be nice. Large or small font? Or both? I guess an axiom could include routines for both...

--- Quote from: Quigibo on March 28, 2011, 07:04:01 pm ---Pucrunch: Efficiently Compress/Decompress your program data - By Iambian

--- End quote ---
Wait, I thought it could only decompress...???
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