Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project

Bug Reports

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I thought I'd start this in case anyone is finding any bugs.  Its important I find them now before I start hard coding everything.  There is only so much I can do with testing, so I need your help!

* Custom interrupt label names are not processed correctly . [Fixed]
* Interrupts get disabled randomly with DispGraph commands when enabled previously [Solution Unknown]
* Error scrolling corrupts program data when programs are extremely large [Problem Unknown]

* Compiler freezes regularly when compiling applications on some calculators
* The AXEGUESS example program is always winning with the number "4"

Please confirm any unreproducible errors so I can make more sense of them with your calculator model, factory letter, operating system version, and other hook based programs on your calculator if applicable.  Thank you!

It seems that OR does not work :( I have this program

--- Code: ---0->A

If A=0 or B=0
--- End code ---

And when i compile and run, nothing is displayed.

That's because I haven't implemented order of operations yet  ;)  It just goes left to right.

These are equivalent:

--- Code: ---If A=0 or B=0
If ((A=0) or B)=0
--- End code ---

Instead, try this:

--- Code: ---If A=0 or (B=0)
--- End code ---

Once I get to order of operations, this shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Ah i see.  Thanks for the info :)

If anything, I'd suggest creating something of a "test suite" to help you out when you're adding in new functions. Sometimes, the addition or changing of something breaks old code and you'd never really know it.

Makes me wish I spent the time on such when I was going through decking out Celtic III with all them functions. I know it's a bit of work, but it should be well worth it.


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