Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project

How quick is Axe?

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I think a lot of my Axe programming may be limited by my tendency to use BASIC.
Could someone just tell me how fast Axe is?


Extremely Fast.  I wish you luck on learning it. :)

very fast. slower than asm; granted; but axe is compiled into z80 ASM code... it's just that axe is built to be general-purpose, for all sorts of games, while an asm game would use routines designed specifically for the type of game their making. axe can be as fast as ASM, though.

So fast that if you use getKeys (to increment an number, for example), you have to use delays to make sure that you don't overshoot by pressing too long.

You know, for example.

DJ Omnimaga:
A lot of stuff is pretty much the same speed as z80 assembly, or very close. The code in general is a bit larger than BASIC, but data is considerably smaller. The reason why it's so fast is because the compiler translates the code to something extremly close to optimized ASM and the fact it is compiled instead of interpreted makes it even faster than something like BBC Basic, for example.


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