Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project

I'm having trouble putting Axe onto my calculator.

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I think i know whats wrong.  Extract axe.8xk  0.4.1 to your desktop then to your calc. I used to have a problem (windows) where ti-connect would not allow you to send anything in a zipped file.

You can't even access the files on Mac without unzipping it first, and the problems are completely unrelated.  Also, this a Mac only problem.  It works fine under windows.

@graphmastur: I transferred Axe 0.3.3 and it worked fine. I am using TI Connect Version 1.8 (1) for the Mac. I have Mac OSX 10.6.3
@happybobjr: I extracted the folder to the desktop before trying to send it the first time. I also tried it when the file itself is on the desktop, and it didn't work.

When I sent the 0.3.3 version over, my calculator showed some steps: a garbage collect, sending "screen", and finally a message to tell me its done. When I try to send the 0.4.1 version this does not happen. The TI-Connect screen on the computer was the same both times.

PS. On an unrelated note, when I was deleting Axe0.3.3 from my calc, it worked fine, it said it was "defragmenting...". Does anyone know what that means?

Garbage collect, except for apps

Ah, ok, thanks.


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