Calculator Community > The Axe Parser Project

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Axe Parser
Alpha 0.1.0

Sorry, I've been really busy this week.  I haven't had a lot of time to add all the things I wanted to.

New Features:

* Faster Parsing
* Program List Is Improved
* 15MHz Commands

* Fixed the >Frac bug.
I added the new speed command to my Game Of Life example program so you can see the speed difference.

Axe Parser
Alpha 0.1.1

Surprise update!

New Features:

* Parse archived programs.
* Lightning fast parsing speed

* Fixed MAJOR bug that gave random error when parsing.
No new examples since nothing new to show.

Axe Parser
Alpha 0.1.2
New Features:

* Automated data copy, exchange, and fill.
* Absolute value for signed numbers
* Sign extension for single byte signed numbers
* Hexadecimal constants
* ASCII constants

* Multiplication should work with signed numbers now.
* Comments now need to start with a period instead of a single quote.
No new examples since I didn't have time to make anything.

Axe Parser
Alpha 0.1.3

HUGE UPDATE!  A lot of new stuff happening.

New Features:

* Cleaner command list.
* Name your programs with an Axe Header.
* Sound through the link port.
* Direct detect any key.
* Return if not command.
* Squares and square roots.
* Draw text anywhere.
* Small sized text mode.
* Inverted text mode.
* Draw text to buffer mode.
* Numerical data entry.
* Add empty data to program memory for extra storage.
* Read and write 2 byte numbers for the full 16 bits.

* Using int() implies that it the argument is a pointer.
* Axe is no laughing matter now.  Default name is "AXEPROG" instead of "LOL"
New example program to test sound effects.

Axe Parser
Alpha 0.1.4

Added all this stuff last minute... I've been busy.

New Features:

* Create Application Variables.
* Read and Write to Appvars.
* Archive and Unarchive Appvars.

* Fixed a bug that caused some programs to freeze.
New example program to show file saving and auto-archiving.


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