Omnimaga > The Blue Platform

The Blue Platform: updates

(1/25) > >>

Statusmagics 9/9
AI collision detection
Character collisions detection
sprites possibility of more to be added
maps 3/9
maps converted 2/9
npc text
group use
install file
multiple savesdone
partially done

ok, so school is over, I'm going to start working on this again tomorrow, so if you see me on irc or something, poke me and make sure I've done something :D
grr, which reminds me, the AI hit detection doesn't like me....and I structured it just like the character's one is, so it should work...:(
BTW, I've decided to lock this topic, since it is only going to be for my updates, if you have something to say, I guess, just talk in the screenshots/Platform Game Engine topics

YAY! finished the AI collision detection
it works fine now. I'm going to work on the magics/events then I'll get to the maps
:D I'm getting there :)

I have finished 4 of the 9 magics, but I might go back and make them look better...

ok, I've jazzed up the animations and added a few more magics, expect a screenshot soon


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