Omnimaga > The Blue Platform

The Blue Platform

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DJ Omnimaga:
Well I remember you entered it for the Omni contest, but the original version ran too slow, then you switched from xLIB to Celtic III but ran into a bug, then your mom took your calc away for an entire year, then you worked on calc stuff on the PC on and off, but not as much as you worked on TBP before being grounded.

Yeah it was pretty slow, then I re-wrote the engine and it was much much faster, but then there was a bug, and I haven't been able to fix it, although I have the current source for it.
Yeah, without a calc working on calc stuff is pretty hard, even with an emulator, so I did kinda drop off.


--- Quote from: Eeems on May 16, 2009, 06:43:30 pm ---well the first 3 chapters were easy, but IV is really hard, and I don't mind the simple plot, the epic battles make up for it

--- End quote ---
that is understanable since it's freaking AWESOME

DJ Omnimaga:
ON a side note, are you still planning to continue this Eeems?

Yes I do.


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