Calculator Community > TI 68K

After Apocalypse

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DJ Omnimaga:
Another cool C RPG (originally in BASIC) under developpement for the TI-89

I switched over from TI-BASIC to C/TIGCC. What this means is super-fast-loading maps, larger game areas, detailed grayscale graphics, and smaller size with more features.

After Apocalypse will be a series of RPG's, each released as a standalone game.

Today I wrote the basic plot for the first AA chapter, "After Apocalypse: Eye of the Hurricane".

I hope that next week I will have some nice screenshots for you.

DJ Omnimaga:
Sound nice, I also edited the intro post because it was still saying a cool BASIC RPG so I changed it to a cool C RPG :)

By standalone programs do you mean that the game will be didivded into chapters? Also will there be a password system so people cannot play a part of the game until they finished the previous one, or will they be able to play each part in any order?

QuoteBegin-Kevin+May 24, 2005, 08:56-->QUOTE (Kevin @ May 24, 2005, 08:56) Sound nice, I also edited the intro post because it was still saying a cool BASIC RPG so I changed it to a cool C RPG :)

By standalone programs do you mean that the game will be didivded into chapters? Also will there be a password system so people cannot play a part of the game until they finished the previous one, or will they be able to play each part in any order?  
 By standalone programs I mean that AA will be divided into a series of episodes. Each episode will have its own plot, and every episode's plot will fit inside the big AA plot.

Since I'm nowhere near completing the first episode, I'm not sure about the password protection for the next chapters. That sounds like a good idea, but it may annoy some people. But that's the last thing I should worry about now - I still didn't make a stable version of the engine.

DJ Omnimaga:
I think it should be a serie of RPG  that you can play in whatever order you want with some improvements and new stuff from the first one to the last one, much like FFTOM :)


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