Calculator Community > TI 68K

Descent 68k/X3D

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I think I scared him :(


--- Quote from: rwill on May 14, 2015, 07:07:27 am ---I think I scared him :(

--- End quote ---
Don't worry, you didn't scare me! haha I've just had some health issues that have prevented me from using my hands much this last month (arthritis and the like). I'll be back soon though! :)

I'm back to work on the project! Also, my friend Jason is working on it with me too! It may be a little while before there's anything to really show though because the engine is being rewritten. I'll post more when there's progress! :D

I thought I'd give a bit of an update as to how the engine rewrite is coming. So far, everything has been going great! Right now, we're just getting the foundation built. In the meantime, I have devised several new optimizations for the renderer. I believe that once implemented, the engine will be able to push 25-30 fps! :D

So, what features will X3D support?

* It's now a library so anyone can use it in their code!
* Cross platform (currently builds for TIGCC/GCC4TI and GCC)
* Levels constructed of convex interconnected prisms instead of cubes (so you could have e.g. an octagonal prism tunnel)
* Three different types of portals - these will allow a portal gun and so many other neat features (will discuss later)
* Vector graphics for textures i.e. line art (like the holo switch) drawn on walls
* Moving objects (like e.g. robots in Descent)
* Materials that can be attached to a face e.g. glass, which mean it's breakable
* Doors
* A simple scripting language?
* Moving platforms
* A simple physics engine for collision detection
* Weapons
It's still in the early stages but this project has so much potential! Thanks for the continued support everyone! :)

 @catastropher Apparently this has developed beyond the scope of the 68k calculators now. That's pretty awesome. You should update the thread title to reflect that and give us an update! :thumbsup:


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