Calculator Community > TI 68K


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Hello again everyone! It's been a long time. I'm glad to see some of you on IRC now and then since resurfacing from the haze of new baby and marriage and all that. I have begun work again on DOA. Lately it has been mainly bugfixes and level design, but I did square up one of the new little features for level #12, which I may or may not have mentioned previously. It involves the risk of electrocution  ;). Anyway even though this is very rough, I am going to attach a zip file of the current project to this post. So if you'd like to give it a spin, feel free to!

Please note: I can't guarantee the stability of this release, as it is not very thoroughly tested. So please don't run it on a real calc that has any valuable data on it. And if you do, back up first!!!.

Oh my god, I'm so glad you're back! There are so few programmers that make anything for the TI68k calcs anymore :( Anyway, I'll give it a test a bit later and let you know if I find any problems! :)

Thank you for the warm welcome back! :D

Small Update: I had a stroke of inspiration today and decided to change the level #12 task up some so that it's more interesting! I have begun work on this new feature today.


Today I have more or less completed the code for this new task for level #12. It's looking pretty cool if I do say so myself. I now have to do a little bit of level redesign so that you get the full effect of the feature.

Also I have done some optimizations in several areas of the game. There are more to be done, but I feel like the game is running better than it ever has. I hope to be able to implement a new AI system for the enemies this week. Also I hope to get some more levels designed. The mini game also needs some work, which I may or may not get around to addressing this week.

Anyway, stay tuned! With any luck there will be another update soon.


Today I have made a pretty significant RAM savings. 3144 bytes saved in RAM with this new change. I haven't had a lot of time to do much else right now except work on some old bugs. I hope I get some time to work on level design and the mini game soon. I just had a bunch of work dumped on me this week, and subsequently, I don't have a whole lot of free time at the moment, but I will try my best to get some stuff done.


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