Calculator Community > TI 68K

Dodge 68k

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DJ Omnimaga:
Could you explain the game more in details since I don't have a v200 (I only got a TI-89T and TI-92 non-Plus)? All I see in the last screenshot are two lines and text so it's hard to figure out what is happening. Is it a Tunnel game? In the 83+ version there were falling stars and stuff so it wasn't a Tunnel game but maybe you changed the game when porting it?

It's like the TI-83+ dodge, just with 2 lines only and there's settings and a cheat code.

The falling things changed from * to |.

DJ Omnimaga:
Oh ok thanks for the clarification. I was curious since the lines were connected to each others.

It's because the for loop outputs it down one every time. If you change the speed up, the space between lines increase. I was doing the default "easy" speed.

DJ Omnimaga:
Ah ok I see. For the home screen 84+ version the spaces were inevitable due to the ASCII chars always having spaces between them. What I wonder though is if the 68K models has some sort of home screen scrolling with the Disp command?


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