Calculator Community > TI 68K

Myst 89

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Stefan Bauwens:
As some of you might know I am busy on a game for the 89. It's supposed to be a 'Myst demo'. I am not planning to make the full game(all the ages,etc..) because that would be soo huge...
My plan is to make only the main myst-island, which you can explore.
Anyway I made a screenshot so you can have a little peep of how it's supposed to be.
Spoiler For Myst Gif:
EDIT:Myst 89 is finished( Not completely, but it was meant to be a demo). Above is old news so please ignore it :P

A moving screenie:

For more information and download, check page 6 in this topic or go to or visit my website. :)

It looks pretty nice so far, especially for being in only black and white. =)

Jim Bauwens:
You don't want to know how much work he put in converting those picture in a acceptable form.
At one point he had to redo more than half because the freaky program he was using didn't save the changes.

I'd believe it. That's got to be a ton of pictures to convert for the full island.

That must be so much work 0u0
No wait that looks stupid

EDIT: This was meant to be an inside joke, not trolling or whatever. I tend to forget I'm not on the MSPAforums here.


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