Calculator Community > TI-BASIC

[TI-89 BASIC] Runing archived programs in BASIC

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is there some kind of TI83BASIC-toTI83ASMconverter?
or something similar?

DJ Omnimaga:
yeah there is but its too much unreliable. Most of the time it ends up making non working programs or slower programs that take more space. There is a compiler called squirrelbox that allow to make some kind of java programs for calcs on the computer but I heard it doesnt always work liek how we want :( The best solution for now is to stick with TI-BASIC, use ASM lib in BASIC prgms or do ASM

Acually, if someone found out how to hack the OS and figure out wich ASM (I thought it was ASM, maybe it was hex... hrm...) commands go with wich BASIC Tags then make a converter... mmm...

cool! got more informaton about it?

well... let's say the the TI-OS interprets BASIC into ASM code then runs it

then that means that If has a bit of code, Then has code, getKey has code and such...

so you make a program (on comp) that will look at BASIC code and output the ASM version of that :D


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