Calculator Community > TI Calculators

Need help with ti nspire CX CAS 3.9 os downgrade

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Hello all, I'm new here and just got the previosly mentioned calculator and I wanted to get my money's worth from it and install ndless to it. I was successfully able to find and download the 3.6 os and the appropriate ndless, yet I was blocked since any older os versions than 3.9 aren't allowed to be installed. I tried deleting the os from the calculator yet I still received the same error. Is there a way to completely wipe the calculator and install the 3.6 os or open up the 3.9 os code and delete the security blockades, since I did not expect that the only solution is to sit and wait whilst twiddle my thumbs whistling in the wind for a year till a new version of ndless comes out.

I haven't really kept up with the latest ndless news, but iirc if your calc is of hardware revision greater than J (the letter at the end of the code) there is no way to get a 3.9 calc to accept any lower OS as somewhat explained here.

Well sadly mine says M on the back, thankyou for the response.

In that case you will need to wait for the next ndless release. Unfortunately there is no timetable as to when this new version of ndless will be released, if at all. It could take as much as a year, but that has been said before and progress has been made at a quicker pace in the past. Stay hopeful!


--- Quote from: Vsod99 on August 26, 2014, 07:21:22 pm ---In that case you will need to wait for the next ndless release. Unfortunately there is no timetable as to when this new version of ndless will be released, if at all. It could take as much as a year, but that has been said before and progress has been made at a quicker pace in the past. Stay hopeful!

--- End quote ---

When was Ndless 3.6 realased? And is there any good alternatives gamewise out there?

-3.9 fool...


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