Calculator Community > TI Calculators

TI-84+ Kana Learning Program

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Hiya everyone
a few weeks ago i've downloaded Nihongo!, a Kana learning program made by Charles Wetzel
and then i started to improve upon it, by adding (han)dakuten and youon, and i've even added special characters for english transcription, and the program is around 80% faster than before :D
please check it out and any feedback would be highly appreciated

DJ Omnimaga:
Interesting, I didn't know such program existed, let alone in pure BASIC. I wonder how fast does the original and your version takes to display the characters? It's definitively good to see a new version :)

the old version wasn't exactly that slow, but since my version features a lot more characters, at first, it took a while before the characters were displayed. so i just used some goto's and some lbl's and now it's almost 80% faster (i've made that percentage up, don't kill me :P)

DJ Omnimaga:
Nice to hear. For the Lbl did you use the trick of putting the lbl as the second line or so in the code? Sometimes it's sightly faster than other looping methods, but you need to watch out about memory leaks. Also how are the characters stored?

2 seperate programs using line and pton
also, you could look at the code and see for yourself :)


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