Calculator Community > TI-Nspire - List of all native Nspire projects

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That's really interesting, thanks !

It also shows that there are only a few people caring about Nspire native developpement... :(
(And even less currently active)

DJ Omnimaga:
Nice list guys. :D
--- Quote from: ElementCoder on October 24, 2012, 11:05:13 am ---Nice, I started something similar a while ago, but for all projects for the nspire. Unfortunately I never had the time to update it.
[edit] Had some time, started updating the other list as well but a question rose do we switch to this one or keep both updated?

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Maybe have it included in your post as quote or have both topics merged?

And yeah chockosta. I think the issue is that the majority of people always went for the TI-83+ and until the Nspire took over the 68K. Now Nspire calcs are kinda like the underdog in the community, like the TI-85 and TI-86 back in their glory days. The fact it took so many years for Ndless to be made possible and the fact the calcs are locked up didn't help. I remember there weren't many TI-82 ASM games either.


--- Quote from: DJ_O on October 24, 2012, 03:52:38 pm ---]Maybe have it included in your post as quote or have both topics merged?

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Probably a good idea (well a link would be good as the other topic is more general (lua, basic and ndless).

(btw, compu's list may increase a bit as I have given him a concise mysql dump of all the ndless programs we have hosted (author, version, name, ids) :) )

After checking the dump it looks like I already have all of them in my list (well, I'm not listing the wad/ndless/rom/etc. files) :)

Btw, I'm listed as author of Dodgin' Diamonds 2X, but hoffa made it ;)

DJ Omnimaga:
What would be nice though is if most of those programs were linked in the underused Omni downloads section. Otherwise they get lost easily in the forums topic (especially with close to 320000 posts). Maybe a staff could upload links to the respective forum attachments or the TI-Planet/Cemetech/ticalc page info in the Omnimaga archives then an admin or staff with those privileges could replace the staff nickname with the original author.


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