Calculator Community > TI-Nspire

Nspire audio?

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--- Quote from: calc84maniac on June 27, 2012, 09:48:23 pm ---This is the kind of thing I was talking about (I bought one of these myself to eventually try to use with calcs):

--- End quote ---
Yeah that's awesome! But you need a converter for that to small usb isn't it? I got one of these:
I use it to "combine" usb cables/devices without having to buy an adapter for every kind of device.

I've just bought one too, I'll have a try on the TI-Nspire.

Looks nice. Hope you can get it to work out well  :)

DJ Omnimaga:
Holy necropost batman! O.O

You might want to check the last post dates before posting, since this project was last updated in 2012. That said, I want to warn people once again that if they want to try audio on their calc, they have to make sure that they aren't accidentally touching the wrong pins on their serial dock connector, else this can permanently damage the calculator.


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