
Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: NeoCrisis on November 12, 2010, 09:15:07 am

Title: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 12, 2010, 09:15:07 am
Hello everybody!!

That's my little OS shell, called SimpleCS (yeah, it has a name!!!! :D)


1) Very small: less than 7000 bytes (actually it's about 6600 bytes)
2) Can setup the calculator more easily (Degree/Radian, Fix/Float, Sci). It can also change the name or the password, erase all the variables, but I'm still working on it because when I run my Tamagotchi and then my shell, everything from my Tamagotchi is erased  :'( /!\It is in another program, so that both are independant. Sadly, I didn't save it, and someone stole my calc  :o >:( :-[ :'(
3) Can calculate Pythagore's Theory (sorry, I'm French, I don't know how it's named in english ;D), GCD, LCM, Statistics, areas (circle and this (
4) Can calculate special numbers for economy (in France, for francophones: élasticité, variation relative et taux de variation)
5) A program called TI-MSN, and BlackJack, Snake and Tic-Tac-Toe (these games are not running on the GRAPH screen, I'm very bad at GRAPH screen programming  :-\)
6) Protected by password of anytype, can contain number as well as letter. /!\  This feature is in another program (the simplest in the world, just 1 line)
7) Displays your name at startup  :) (the most useful feature.....)

The problem is that it's in French, so the attached file is the french version. I also have the source code in a .txt document (available, just PM me and I will send it to you ;D)
If you encounter any problem, tell me ;)

For the password:

Input "PASSWORD?",Str9

For the username:

Input "USERNAME?",Str4
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 12, 2010, 09:40:11 am
Hmm interesting, but it seems more like a software suite (plenty of programs that does some stuff bundled together along with some games) than a shell. A shell normally just list programs and let you run them. Doors CS, MirageOS, Ion and CalcUtil are examples of shells.

That said, I'll check it out later. Is it BASIC, ASM or Axe?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 12, 2010, 10:20:03 am
It's TI Basic, but full of errors:

Code: [Select]
Label Z:ClrHome
DelVar STR0
If STR0=STR9:Then
Goto 0
Goto Q
ClrHome:Goto 0
Label 30:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "F3:AIDE
Pause :ClrHome
Pause :Goto 0
Label S:ClrHome
If A=1andB=10
Pause :Goto S
If B=1andA=10:Then
Pause :Goto S
If A=1:Then
Disp T
Input "1 or 11?",A
If A=1:Then
If B=1:Then
Disp T
Input "1 or 11?",G
If G=1:Then
Output(5,3,"TOTAL DE
Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
Disp "","","","","","",
If T>21:Goto B
Input G
If G=1:Then
Goto E
Label E:ClrHome
If F>21:Then
Output(3,4,"HOUSE BUST
Output(5,5,"YOU WIN
Pause :Goto 11
Output(1,3,"TOTAL DE
Output(4,2,"HOUSE TOTAL DE
If T>F:Then
Output(7,6,"YOU WIN
Pause :Goto 11
If F>T:Then
Output(7,5,"YOU LOSE
Pause :Goto 11
If F=T:Then
Pause :Goto 11
If C=1:Then:ClrHome
Disp T
Input "1 or 11?",C
If C=1:Then
Disp "","","","","","",
Output(5,3,"TOTAL DE
Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
If T>21:Goto B
Input G
If G=1:Then
Goto E
If D=1:Then:ClrHome
Disp T
Input "1 or 11?",D
If D=1:Then
Disp "","","","","","",
Output(5,3,"TOTAL DE
Output(5,13,"STAY=1 HIT=2
If T>21:Goto B
Input G
If G=1:Then
Goto E
If E=1:Then
Disp T
Input "1 or 11?",E
If E=1:Then
Disp "","","","","","",
Output(5,3,"TOTAL DE
If T>21:Then
Goto B
Pause :Goto E
Label B:ClrHome
Output(3,5,"YOU LOSE
Output(5,3,"TOTAL DE
Pause :Goto 11
Label K:ClrHome:ClrDraw
DelVar S
Repeat S!=0
If S=105:Goto 99
If S=92:Goto Q
If S!=105andS!=92:Goto K
Label 99
Disp "   ECONOMIE     
Disp "
Disp "
Disp "
Repeat K!=0
If K=92:Goto T
If K=93:Goto U
If K=94:Goto V
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=44:Goto K
Label T:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Input "VAL DEPART=?",D
Text(1,1,"TAUX VARIATION=",X,".
Pause :DelVar X:DelVar A:DelVar D:Goto K
Label U:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Prompt A,D
Text(R,1,"VAR RELAT=",X,".
Pause :DelVar A:DelVar X:DelVar D:Goto K
Label V:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Input "PRIX or REVENU",P
If X<1
Pause :DelVar D:DelVar P:DelVar X:Goto K
Label A:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Prompt A,B
If X=1
Pause :DelVar A:DelVar B:DelVar X:Goto J
Label C:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Prompt A,B
Pause :DelVar A:DelVar B:DelVar X:Goto J
Label L:ClrHome
Input X
Disp X
Pause :DelVar X:Goto K
Label H:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "(A+B)^2=
Disp "A^2+2AB+B^2
Disp "(A-B)^2=
Disp "A^2-2AB+B^2
Disp "(A+B)(A-B)=
Disp "A^2-B^2
Pause :Goto J
Label J:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "
Disp "2:CALCUL
Disp "
Disp "
Repeat K!=0
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=92:Goto H
If K=93:Goto L
If K=94:Goto 14
If K=44:Goto K
If K=82:Goto A1
Label A1:ClrDraw
Input "PAR AXE:",N
Input "DEPART:",D
Disp "ORDONNEES:","VALEUR N[degrees]
Input P
Label A2
Menu("     MARQUE     ","€",A5,"[box]",A6,"[dot]",A7
Label A5
Pause :Goto J
Label A6
Pause :Goto J
Label A7
Pause :Goto J
Label A3
Menu("     MARQUE     ","€",A8,"[box]",A9,"[dot]",B1
Label A8
Pause :Goto J
Label A9
Pause :Goto J
Label B1
Pause :Goto J
Label A4
Pause :Goto J
Label B2:ClrHome
1-Var Stats
Pause :Goto J
Label 14:ClrHome
Disp "   PRECALCULS   
Disp "
Disp "1:PGCD
Disp "
Disp "2:PPCM
Disp "
Repeat K!=0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto A
If K=93:Goto C
If K=94:Goto 16
If K=44:Goto K
Label 16:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Prompt N
Text(1,1,"RACINE CARREE DE",N,"=",X,".
Pause :Goto 14
Label 15:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "
Repeat K!=0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto 13
If K=93:Goto 12
If K=44:Goto K
Label 13:ClrHome
Input "COTE 2=?",A
Input "COTE 3=?",B
If 0=H:Then
If 0=A:Then
ClrHome:Output(1,1,"COTE 2=",A,".
If 0=B:Then
ClrHome:Output(1,1,"COTE 3=",B,".
Pause :DelVar H:DelVar A:DelVar B:Goto 14
Label 12:ClrHome
Prompt D,E
If L=X:Then
Pause :DelVar L:DelVar E:DelVar D:DelVar X:Goto 14
Label D:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Prompt R
Pause :DelVar R:DelVar A:DelVar P:Goto I
Label F:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "F=HYP/3[degrees] COTE
Prompt H,F
Pause :DelVar H:DelVar F:DelVar X:Goto I
Label G:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Prompt A
Pause :DelVar A:DelVar V:Goto I
Label I:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "1:CERCLE
Disp "
Disp "
Disp "3:CUBE
Disp "
Repeat K!=0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto D
If K=93:Goto F
If K=94:Goto G
If K=82:Goto 15
If K=44:Goto K
Label P:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Label P:ClrHome
Label W
Input "MESSAGE: ",STR3
If A=[pi]:STR3->STR1
If A=[e]:STR3->STR2
Goto M:Label R
If A=[e]:Then
Pause :Goto M
Label 11:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "      JEUX     
Disp "
Disp "
Disp "
Disp "3:SNAKE
Repeat K!=0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto S
If K=93:Goto N
If K=94:Goto 10
If K=44:Goto K
Label O:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "     AUTRES   
Disp "
Disp "1:TI-MSN
Disp "
Disp "2:JEUX
Repeat K!=0
If K=44:Goto K
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto P
If K=93:Goto 11
Label N:ClrHome:ClrDraw
While 1
If K=92andY=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=93andZ=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=94andW=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=82andT=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=83andU=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=84andV=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=72andO=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=73andP=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=74andQ=0:Then
If X=1:Then
If X=0:Then
If K=45:Then:ClrHome
If Y+Z+W=3 or T+U+V=3 or O+P+Q=3 or O+U+W=3 or Y+U+Q=3 or O+T+Y=3 or P+U+Z=3 or Q+V+W=3
Output(7,6,"O A GAGNE
If Y+Z+W=30 or T+U+V=30 or O+P+Q=30 or O+U+W=30 or Y+U+Q=30 or O+T+Y=30 or P+U+Z=30 or Q+V+W=30:Then
Output(7,6,"X A GAGNE
If O+P+Q+T+U+V+Y+Z+W=54:Then
Output(7,4,"MATCH NUL
If K=0:Then:End:End
Pause :Goto O
Label M:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "     MATHS     
Disp "
Disp "
Repeat K!=0
If K=44:Goto K
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto J
If K=93:Goto I
Label 0:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "TI-83+.FR ALT OS
Disp "
Disp "1:MATHS
Disp "
Disp "2:AUTRES
Repeat K!=0
If K=44:Goto K
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto M
If K=93:Goto O
Label 20
Disp "   PARAMETRES   
Disp "
Disp "1:NOM
Disp " "
Repeat K!=0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=44:Goto K
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto 21
If K=93:Goto 24
Label 25:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Pause :Goto 0
Label 21:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Disp "      NOM
Disp "   
Repeat K!=0
If K=11:Goto Z
If K=15:Goto Q
If K=13:Goto 30
If K=44:Goto K
If K=23:Goto 24
If K=42:Goto O
If K=41:Goto M
If K=43:Goto 0
If K=22:Goto 20
If K=92:Goto 22
If K=93:Goto 23
Label 22:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Pause :Goto 0
Label 23:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Input "TON NOM?",STR4
Pause :Goto 0
Label 24:ClrHome:ClrDraw
DelVar A:DelVar B:DelVar C:DelVar D:DelVar E:DelVar F:DelVar G:DelVar H:DelVar I:DelVar J:DelVar K:DelVar L:DelVar M:DelVar N:DelVar O:DelVar P:DelVar Q:DelVar R:DelVar S:DelVar T:DelVar U:DelVar V:DelVar W:DelVar X:DelVar Y:DelVar Z:DelVar STR1:DelVar STR2:DelVar STR3:ClrAllLists
Pause :Goto 0
Label 10:ClrHome:ClrDraw
Repeat max(S!=L1andAns!=L2
Repeat T=AnsandS=L1(I
If Ans=45:Goto Q
If Ans=34 or 2>abs(Ans-25:Ans->K
Label A0:ClrHome
Pause :ClrHome
Pause :Goto 0
Label Q:ClrHome:ClrDraw:AxesOn
DelVar A:DelVar B:DelVar C:DelVar D:DelVar E:DelVar F:DelVar G:DelVar H:DelVar I:DelVar J:DelVar K:DelVar L:DelVar M:DelVar N:DelVar O:DelVar P:DelVar Q:DelVar R:DelVar S:DelVar T:DelVar U:DelVar V:DelVar W:DelVar X:DelVar Y:DelVar Z:DelVar STR1:DelVar STR2:DelVar STR3:ClrAllLists

No Str4 defined, maybe you should ask the user to input it?
No Str9 defined, maybe you should ask the user to input it?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 13, 2010, 06:12:54 am
as I told several times, it has to be defined by the user, and it's in another program, that I can't backup because somebody stole my calculator....

Where are the errors?? And as I said, I'm a beginner, I learnt TI-Basic just 2 months ago!
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 13, 2010, 09:13:24 am
as I told several times, it has to be defines by the user, and it's in another program, that I can't backup because somebody stole my calculator....

Where are the errors?? And as I said, I'm a beginner, I learnt TI-Basic just 2 months ago!

I know we have to (outside of the program) define Str4 and Str9 as our name and textcode, respectively, but that's not very user-friendly.

Code: [Select]
Input "USERNAME", Str4
Input "PASSWORD", Str0
Input "TEXTCODE", Str9
If Str0=Str9
//Program Code
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 13, 2010, 11:06:54 am
you don't have to define Str9, it's just the variable in which the password the user thinks it is that is stored. (sorry if any grammar mistake is present, I'm just B2, I still have to make effort.)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: meishe91 on November 13, 2010, 11:38:53 am
Scout, it really isn't that big of a deal, in my opinion, if you have to manually input data right now. It's not finished yet and like he said he can't do a whole lot right now so please calm down or be patient for an update.

I'm not completely for sure but I do believe all need to be defined to some extent or the calculator will throw a ERR:UNDEFINED. I'm not a hundred percent sure though, I could be wrong.

It's looking quite nice though, keep up the good work :)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 13, 2010, 11:42:21 am
an update will come, this one was the backup (stolen calculator --' ) I have the correct version on my calc which can be very far at the moment :P
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 13, 2010, 12:13:17 pm
an update will come, this one was the backup (stolen calculator --' ) I have the correct version on my calc which can be very far at the moment :P

You can program in the PC, in fact, its easier =P
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 13, 2010, 12:13:57 pm
yeah I've seen, but my "parental control??" block wabbit ;D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 13, 2010, 12:22:34 pm
yeah I've seen, but my "parental control??" block wabbit ;D

What the hell?

Google: *name_of_your_parent_control_program* hack disable
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 13, 2010, 12:23:06 pm
okok ;D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 13, 2010, 12:24:05 pm
okok ;D

Most of those programs are easily hackable and disabled, so good luck!
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: meishe91 on November 13, 2010, 06:32:54 pm
I would actually suggest not try to get around the hack. I would just import the copy you have right now and modify it inside of SourceCoder over at Cemetech. We don't want you getting into trouble or getting more things blocked. Plus programming inside Wabbit can be hard, for me anyways.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 04:15:41 am
I discovered I could extract files from TI-Group files  ;D ;D so I've joined PARAMS and UPDTEBCK to this message.
For the moment, I use Cemetech but I can't download any files (from the hacked MP3 to the innocent little README.txt file ::)) so I'm starting to share the projects, I just need time. I'm not sure if UPDTEBCK works, I never tried it (sorry, I just have one calc ;D) but PARAMS works, but as I remember, I think I changed little pieces of code. Anyway, I will post the Cemetech links ;)

Yeah, I'm not gonna try to hack my parental control, mainly because yesterday I told my mum my calculator was stolen... 95€ (130USD) :o

The new release will determine itself whither the username and password are defined or not, with maybe other games added...

[edit]would anyone have the address of an online emulator? I saw one a long time ago, but I don't remember the address :S :-[ :-\
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 04:20:56 am
Ouch this sucks that your calculator got stolen :/ I hope you can get it again soon or find a new one.

I'll try this when I have some time.  (I don't know when)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 04:23:41 am
I already have some (suspect in french, people you think that they have your calculator)

I will send in 2minutes the links to my projects, I'm just finishing translating them.

@ DJ: I encountered some problems while translating it, mainly in the ECONOMICS and in MATHS parts, because of the technical terms. Could you help me??

[edit] There is an error in PARAMS.8xp, it recalls Pic0. Since it's not defined, do not use it! [/edit]

[edit2] As promised, these are the links to the PARAMS, UPDTEBCK and SIMPLECS projects. I deleted the RecallPic0 line, so that you won't have any trouble running it.

SimpleCS source code (
UPDTEBCK source code (
PARAMS source code (

Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 04:45:00 am
Which part of the text in particular do you need help with?

Also suspect is suspicious person I think.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 04:48:10 am
ok thanks for the suspicious part :)

it's in ECONOMICS, for Elasticité, Var Relat and Taux Variation. It's also in MATHS, for Statistics and Pythagore Theory and the perpendicular triangle (sorry, my maths teacher is FRench so I don't know the words :/)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 04:49:57 am
What does Relat means?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 04:50:28 am
variation relative (not enough space in the calc's screen X)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 04:54:21 am
Ah ok.

Hmm, elasticité would simply be elasticity and variation relative would just be relative rate. The rest seemed fine, but I could be wrong. I don't know about Taux de variation, though. It seems to give weird results when translating. I tried Variation rate, but in Google I got weird results for that...
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 04:56:13 am
Ah ok.

Hmm, elasticité would simply be elasticity and variation relative would just be relative rate. The rest seemed fine, but I could be wrong. I don't know about Taux de variation, though. It seems to give weird results when translating. I tried Variation rate, but in Google I got weird results for that...

Who didn't find weird results in Google Translate???  ;D ::)

Thanks for the words, I'm updating PARAMSSimpleCS!

*rayquaza59 changes tab to go to Cemetech and edit SimpleCS

et pour valeur de départ et valeur d'arrivée??
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 04:57:59 am
The worst part is when Google translate can't even translate some things at all, even when spelled right.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 04:59:45 am
ouais, la perfection n'existe pas =p

yeah perfection doesn't exist =p
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 05:04:57 am
That said it does a much better job than it did back in 2003-04, though. :P (I remember some terrible things like "Le bulletin du" and I think there were even worse ones).
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 05:07:51 am
what are you taking about? the "progress" that Google made to improve Google TRanslate?????? My German teacher always knows when I use Google Translate for German --'

Do you mean was translating French to English (or the opposite) using Google Translate???

(though it's not a "How good or not can be Google Translate" debate ;D)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 14, 2010, 05:18:55 am
Yeah I am talking about the improvements on Google Translate over the past years. was not translated, but in 2000 or 2001, they posted an april fools (poisson d'avril) version of their original newsletter, but as a joke, they translated parts in french with translators and other parts in other languages. The french translation was horrible. I don't think it was Google but I know Google used to translate newsletter to Le bulletin du
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 14, 2010, 05:21:23 am
Yeah I am talking about the improvements on Google Translate over the past years. was not translated, but in 2000 or 2001, they posted an april fools (poisson d'avril) version of their original newsletter, but as a joke, they translated parts in french with translators and other parts in other languages. The french translation was horrible. I don't think it was Google but I know Google used to translate newsletter to Le bulletin du

OMG that's horrible!! :o :o

why can't we do the same for Omnimaga??  ;D ;D :D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 17, 2010, 01:03:51 pm
Yeah I am talking about the improvements on Google Translate over the past years. was not translated, but in 2000 or 2001, they posted an april fools (poisson d'avril) version of their original newsletter, but as a joke, they translated parts in french with translators and other parts in other languages. The french translation was horrible. I don't think it was Google but I know Google used to translate newsletter to Le bulletin du

OMG that's horrible!! :o :o

why can't we do the same for Omnimaga??  ;D ;D :D

That's horrible, let's do it to Omnimaga!!


Anyways, making a complete french version of Omnimaga in Google Translate would be cool!

Hm... How's simpleCS going rayquaza?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 17, 2010, 03:29:31 pm
(That reminds me... didn't there use to be a newsletter in the works by TsukasaZX for the TI community?)

Anyway I'm curious what will be added next in SimpleCS.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 17, 2010, 03:30:42 pm
well, I've seen the school director and my maths teacher, they are "enquêter???"
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 17, 2010, 03:38:09 pm
Investigating? Did they caught you coding/playing game in classes, leaving you in trouble? ???
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 17, 2010, 03:38:47 pm
not at all! i just told them my calc was stolen! 130usd!!
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 17, 2010, 03:39:50 pm
Oh ok, ouch :/, sorry to hear. I hope they can find it soon. :/
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 17, 2010, 04:01:07 pm
Oh ok, ouch :/, sorry to hear. I hope they can find it soon. :/

yeah, otherwise my projects will have to be discontinued..... till I find a new calc... I found a TI-84+SE for just 30€ :O
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 17, 2010, 04:10:04 pm
I'll maybe have an idea, to setup the parental control to let me only download .8xp files, and to run wabbit... that's how I could cope with the problem, but just short-term effect :/
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 18, 2010, 12:54:14 am
Good luck, I hope you can find a way to continue coding. :/
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 18, 2010, 01:38:34 pm
I'll maybe have an idea, to setup the parental control to let me only download .8xp files, and to run wabbit... that's how I could cope with the problem, but just short-term effect :/

Parent control sucks, why don't you tell them that you need programs for your calculator for school and classes?

I mean, it shouldn't be that hard :s

On the other hand, you can hack the parental control :P
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 18, 2010, 02:15:23 pm
yes, but I've got Windows Live Parental Control :p it is based on a Windows Live ID, so I have to hack the ID... to hack the control...
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 18, 2010, 02:19:20 pm
Parent parent control or School parent control?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: JosJuice on November 18, 2010, 02:21:44 pm
Parent parent control or School parent control?
What's a school parent? s:
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 18, 2010, 02:22:09 pm
Parent parent control or School parent control?
What's a school parent? s:

My school has 'Parent Control' in their computers :s
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: JosJuice on November 18, 2010, 02:28:58 pm
Oh... Then it's not really a "parent" control.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 18, 2010, 02:29:23 pm
Oh... Then it's not really a "parent" control.

But the program is called 'Parental Control' :s
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 18, 2010, 02:53:05 pm
it's made by MS, and you can set it up with a Windows Live ID.... it's very disappointing because I can't go on facebook and other websites :/

[edit] I've made a README file (in Russian.... no, just kidding  ::) ;D) [/edit]
[edit2] still no calc :o :'( :'( :-\ :-[ [/edit2]
/me wants to find the person who has his calc....

I borrowed a friend's calc, and we made a little video:
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 21, 2010, 06:36:18 pm
This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment. It is not available in your country.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 22, 2010, 08:36:20 am
This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment. It is not available in your country.

My country doesn't allow that kind'of videos too :(
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 22, 2010, 02:25:10 pm
I got a rickroll prank on Youtube that says it's still available in countries not listed above the copyright notice, but the problem is that there are 250+ countries listed, which is pretty much the entire world. ???
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 22, 2010, 06:41:05 pm
I got a rickroll prank on Youtube that says it's still available in countries not listed above the copyright notice, but the problem is that there are 250+ countries listed, which is pretty much the entire world. ???

I use a proxy for those damn videos :)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 23, 2010, 12:57:03 am
Yeah, what sucks though is that every single country in the world can be blocked, thus, unless your proxy is hosted in Antartica or something...
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 23, 2010, 12:23:12 pm
lol that was a rickrolling temptative: TC01 has been rickrolled on the IRC yesterday ;D

sorry guys, it was my first one =p
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 23, 2010, 01:08:48 pm
Lol ok. I am surprised a rickroll is blocked over here, though. :P
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 27, 2010, 10:06:07 am
Yeah, what sucks though is that every single country in the world can be blocked, thus, unless your proxy is hosted in Antartica or something...

Hahah, I mean if we were hackers we could easily watch those videos, but ain't :(

Also, rayquaza, could you post a screenie of how YOU run SimpleCS, since I have trouble with it I'd like to see how you do it :S
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 27, 2010, 10:09:07 am
I still do not have my calc --' I think I should go to the police (in our country, the police can go into a school and look for anything with the agreement of the school, since it's really expensive (130USD), I think the director should be OK, since I have the proof it's somebody from my class))))
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 27, 2010, 10:10:05 am
I still do not have my calc --' I think I should go to the police (in our country, the police can go into a school and look for anything with the agreement of the school, since it's really expensive (130USD), I think the director should be OK, since I have the proof it's somebody from my class))))

Oohh, well, you don't need the calculator. Use WabbitEmu with the files (if you have them) to make a GIF :S
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 27, 2010, 10:14:48 am
yeah, but wabbit is still blocked :p
/me takes his USB key and check if he put the screenshots in it

no, sorry, I don't have any :/ what are the troubles you had so far??
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 27, 2010, 10:17:06 am
yeah, but wabbit is still blocked :p
/me takes his USB key and check if he put the screenshots in it

no, sorry, I don't have any :/ what are the troubles you had so far??

The same as usual, I can't set Str4 and Str9 and Str1 to work. And would like to see someone doing so :S
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 27, 2010, 10:20:25 am
you have to copy the SOURCE CODE ( from PARAMS.8xp, which I don't have. then normally, it will work...
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on November 27, 2010, 10:26:45 am
That looks a bit confusing, though.

If you can, I recommend asking the user to input the username and password.

I know you can't do it at the moment, since you have no calculator and/or WabbitEmu, so if you need help with it, i can give it a try
Post by: NeoCrisis on November 28, 2010, 04:28:33 am
I'm afraid I have to discontinue my project, it's impossible to continue coding without a calc, and even without an emulator.

If some people want to continue working on it, I'll be glad to be informed of anything new ;)

Thanks to the people who helped me with the translations, and everybody else for having tested the program on their calcs.
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on November 28, 2010, 06:09:54 pm
Sorry to hear. I hope you get a new calc again soon. :(
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 20, 2010, 11:34:34 am
The project is continued :) I'll continue testing it and improving it!! ^^

[EDIT] thanks to DJ for unlocking the topic ;) [/EDIT]
Post by: Munchor on December 20, 2010, 11:35:07 am
The project is continued :) I'll continue testing it and improving it!! ^^

Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 20, 2010, 12:31:56 pm
The PARAMS program will be improved, with the same choice-making process as the one in the current version of SimpleCS. As I'm not allowed to download any file, it will only be available in sources. Anyone who could download the file and join it to a message on this thread would be very nice ;D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 20, 2010, 12:34:47 pm
The PARAMS program will be improved, with the same choice-making process as the one in the current version of SimpleCS. As I'm not allowed to download any file, it will only be available in sources. Anyone who could download the file and join it to a message on this thread would be very nice ;D

You will be using the source and update it?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 20, 2010, 12:36:14 pm
yes, but actually I'm just creating a project named PARAMS2, and when I will have finished to copy/paste the skeleton, I'll delete PARAMS and rename PARAMS2 to PARAMS.... but please do not connect to any SimpleCS' component's source code.....
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 21, 2010, 12:04:52 am
You got your new calc now, right? Also nice to see the project is back on track. :)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 21, 2010, 08:12:17 am
actually I don't have any... I'm starting to give the program source code to some people from my class, mainly for the games part. ATM I help somebody who can't play games on his TI-84+SE.... because nearly nobody know how to create/run programs in the calc :X

[edit] I finished coding SimplePARAMS!! It now uses getkeys, as SimpleCS do. Here is the source ( I will post the new version of UPDTEBCK tomorrow, I still need to code the version 2.0 as well. [/edit]

[edit2] I finished coding UPDTEBCK!! It now uses getkeys, as SimpleCS and SimplePARAMS do. Here is the source ( [/edit2]
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 21, 2010, 03:38:59 pm
Oh ok you just borrow the calc from someone? Does it means you may never get a new calc of your own again or do you just have to wait a while longer?

Also could you give more details on what is UPDTEBCK and SimplePARAMS?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 08:35:06 am
I don't have any calc from anybody, I'm programming just with my brainless head. My father received the calc (the Nspire CAS), so I'm okay on this point.... and my stepfather will allow me to run Wabbit, so I'm going to continue coding, even without a calc... though I wanted to make a graphscreen-using version of SimpleCS :/

UPDTEBCK is the update/backup tool of SimpleCS. If you give the program to one of your friend and have made a new version, it'll send the new version  to the other calc, but you still need to plug them together (sorry, no bluetooth yet :P)

SimplePARAMS is a program allowing you to setup more easily the calc than just pressing the MODE button.. It also allows you to setup SimpleCS: deleting the variables, changing the password and the username..
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 08:49:45 am
rayquaza59: has anyone or you tested the code? I would like to test it and upload it as .8xp, may I?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 08:51:30 am
yes, you can (oh geez, I forgot: it's an Open Source project ;) so feel free to edit it, or even to translate it to your local language ( I'm thinking about ScoutDavid, who's in Portugal)) ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 08:52:10 am
yes, you can (oh geez, I forgot: it's an Open Source project ;) so feel free to edit it, or even to translate it to your local language ( I'm thinking about ScoutDavid, who's in Portugal)) ;)

I didn't mean changing the code, I meant, uploading a .8xp for you, so that people don't need to compile it themselves.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 08:55:19 am
oh... yes please, I can't download any thing, so that would be great ;) but please wait for me to add the game, it'll take me 10 minutes maximum, just a coupe of getkeys to add, and copy paste the code I have (it's taken from a game I saw on INternet, but I optimized it and deleted the Menu command to add getkeys.) I love getkeys ;D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 08:56:07 am
oh... yes please, I can't download any thing, so that would be great ;) but please wait for me to add the game, it'll take me 10 minutes maximum, just a coupe of getkeys to add, and copy paste the code I have (it's taken from a game I saw on INternet, but I optimized it and deleted the Menu command to add getkeys.) I love getkeys ;D

Okay, I will wait for that. You should credit the original game maker I think :) Unless if he allows changes without crediting him :D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 08:58:56 am
it was a game in a tutorial which was open source (i'm talking about the tutorial), so the content should also be open source.... It's ok, you can get the code from here  (
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 09:00:26 am
1. This is a huge Basic code.
2. It's only one file?
3. Do I need to define any variables before using?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 09:02:50 am
1) I know, I optimized it the best I could :/
2) Geez no!!! There are also SimplePARAMS and UPDTEBCK :o
3) No, it's using the theta to know whether the program needs to redefine Str9 (password) and Str4 (username).
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 09:29:10 am

/me thinks...
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 09:30:04 am
oh really?! an error?!
/me looks for the error
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 09:49:06 am

Now it displays the errors, I can see a few that are solvable like:

Code: [Select]
: Goto 1
I think the space can't be there
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 09:49:30 am
ok, I'm editing the code ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 09:50:40 am
ok, I'm editing the code ;)

I'm glad I'm helping :)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: jnesselr on December 22, 2010, 11:30:09 am
No, a space cannot be in front of any command.  I wish we could do indents and program on the graphscreen, though.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 22, 2010, 11:30:39 am

New GIF file with rayquaza's updates.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 22, 2010, 11:31:31 am
I'd like to do one, but :/ oh!! maybe I could also ask my stepfather to really buy a new calc :p a little TI-83+SE for 40€, for i.e !!!!
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 23, 2010, 05:01:26 pm
I'd like to do one, but :/ oh!! maybe I could also ask my stepfather to really buy a new calc :p a little TI-83+SE for 40€, for i.e !!!!

Rayquaza59, yesterday you told me you had fixed errors? Can I compile it again?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 24, 2010, 08:15:37 am
I know where are the errors: it's all SourceCoder's fault: the program allows to create plots more easily, so it asks which pointer you want to use (I mean the cross, the point, or the box, in Plot1, Plot2, Plot3) but SourceCoder replace them as {cross}, {box} and {dot} so this could explain the ERR:SYNTAX. This is why it was working on my calc (the statistics thing was included in the SimpleCS in my calc, and it was working)..
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 24, 2010, 08:17:47 am
I know where are the errors: it's all SourceCoder's fault: the program allows to create plots more easily, so it asks which pointer you want to use (I mean the cross, the point, or the box, in Plot1, Plot2, Plot3) but SourceCoder replace them as {cross}, {box} and {dot} so this could explain the ERR:SYNTAX. This is why it was working on my calc (the statistics thing was included in the SimpleCS in my calc, and it was working)..

Use Tokens IDE? Can you download it?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 24, 2010, 08:20:51 am
no, I can't download anything... I could see PDF documents because I know how to download them without really downloading them, but that's all I could do :/

The main problems of SourceCoder is that it doesn't recognize : ²  , the {dot},{box} and {cross} and L1 to L3 things :/
These, if they are modified (I can't do it in here, thanks to my f***ing parental filter), SimpleCS would run correctly.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on December 24, 2010, 09:06:23 am
no, I can't download anything... I could see PDF documents because I know how to download them without really downloading them, but that's all I could do :/

The main problems of SourceCoder is that it doesn't recognize : ²  , the {dot},{box} and {cross} and L1 to L3 things :/
These, if they are modified (I can't do it in here, thanks to my f***ing parental filter), SimpleCS would run correctly.

Maybe, puting // Comments where you want things to be changed and I'll type them on-calc?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on December 24, 2010, 09:07:12 am
hum.... yeah, I'm gonna do that.... but later, I'm creating a new board....

[EDIT] the source code is corrected, it's OK to compile :hyper: ;)[/EDIT]
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 02, 2011, 09:15:31 am
I'm glad to announce that SimpleCS will be ported on Nspires (but requiring Ndless :D) by 22/12/2012 the end of Spring. I've made a certain progress in learning C, and I'm now able to create half of the shell in C. For the moment, it works on PCs, but I'll try to compile it for Nspire when I'll know how to. :D I'm already thinking of a port of TI-MTB (which you don't know because it has never been published =P )...
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 02, 2011, 01:21:34 pm
I'm glad to announce that SimpleCS will be ported on Nspires (but requiring Ndless :D) by 22/12/2012 the end of Spring. I've made a certain progress in learning C, and I'm now able to create half of the shell in C. For the moment, it works on PCs, but I'll try to compile it for Nspire when I'll know how to. :D I'm already thinking of a port of TI-MTB (which you don't know because it has never been published =P )...

Great! How does it work on the PC, though?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 02, 2011, 03:49:11 pm
Glad to hear rayquaza and I'M glad you are back. :D

a TI-Nspire version might be cool. I hope at least a calc version is made. :D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 03, 2011, 10:15:24 am
On the PC it works quite good, but not all SimpleCS has been ported :/ I'm progressing in learning C, but for the 2 next weeks I might not be able to code in C (i'm currently using a computer in a library, with a powerful shell called StrongHold, and I can't plug my USB key in with the sources and Code::Blocks), so I'll see this later. PLease don't ask for the sources, they are quite strangely organized (indented, and all that kind of stuff) :P

@DJ_O : yes, a calc version will be made, I still need to find out how to code in C for Nspires. The micro-SimpleCS version works well, except the games, which I think I'll delete.

I'm gonna create one of those tiny little userbars to tell you how far I've been getting to. Do anyone knows how to compile for Nspires? Is a special code required??
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 03, 2011, 10:16:49 am
On the PC it works quite good, but not all SimpleCS has been ported :/ I'm progressing in learning C, but for the 2 next weeks I might not be able to code in C (i'm currently using a computer in a library, with a powerful shell called StrongHold, and I can't plug my USB key in with the sources and Code::Blocks), so I'll see this later. PLease don't ask for the sources, they are quite strangely organized (indented, and all that kind of stuff) :P

@DJ_O : yes, a calc version will be made, I still need to find out how to code in C for Nspires. The micro-SimpleCS version works well, except the games, which I think I'll delete.

I'm gonna create one of those tiny little userbars to tell you how far I've been getting to. Do anyone knows how to compile for Nspires? Is a special code required??

There is a topic called 'Setting up C Development for the NSpire' in Omnimaga, go for it .)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 03, 2011, 10:18:18 am
/me pastes the name of the topic and looks for it
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 03, 2011, 11:46:02 pm
Yeah it's located under Programming help -> C programming. I don't remember if it was updated for Ndless 2.0, though.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 04, 2011, 06:24:27 am
OK, I will work on it this afternoon. Do you know what? The guy which works in the computer room of the library is also a developer (on his free time) which codes C++... we chatted a bit, and he could maybe unlock one of the computer for me to code on ^^ but that's to see... :/

Btw, if anyone wants to code in C/C++, Code::Blocks can be easily ported on USB key by installing the software on it, as well as MSYS and YAGARTO. But careful, it's very slow with mine (my key writes at 4mb per second).

I ACTUALLY DISCONTINUED C PORTING FOR SIMPLECS? DUE TO TOO MUCH THINGS TO DO AND TOO MUCH DIFFICULT THINGS TO DO. If somebody wants to port it, no problem, just contact me for the sources ;)
I'm gonna concentrate myself on z80 version, with a little GUI for SimpleCS v3.5: The v3.5G will have GUI, whereas the v3.5S won't.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 06, 2011, 06:14:31 am
SimpleCS v3.5G  BETA Released!!!


1) Can setup the calculator more easily (Degree/Radian, Fix/Float, Sci).
2) Can calculate Pythagore's Theory, GCD, LCM, Statistics, areas
3) Can calculate special numbers for economics
5) A program called TI-MSN, and BlackJack, Snake, Tic-Tac-Toe, as well as Matches (these games are not running on the GRAPH screen, I'm very bad at GRAPH screen programming)
6) Protected by password of anytype, can contain number as well as letter.
7) Displays your name at startup (the most useful feature.....)
8) More user-friendly interface

For any bug report, please send me a PM ;)

Sources of 3.5G are available here (

Tested using Wabbitemu with TI-84 2.55MP OS and TI-83 1.19 OS
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 07, 2011, 07:24:47 pm
Wow quite a bunch of features. But there's a bug it seems, and pressing any key would just pop up a random menu ???
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 09, 2011, 12:47:35 pm
Code: [Select]
:If 0=θ:Then
:Input "Username?",Str4
:Input "Password?",Str9
:Disp "Hello :)",Str4 
:Lbl Z
:DelVar Str0
:Input "Textcode?",Str0
:If Str0=Str9:Then
:Goto 0
:Goto Q
:Lbl 0:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=44:Goto K
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto M
:If K=93:Goto O
:Lbl M:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=44:Goto K
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto J
:If K=93:Goto I
:Lbl J:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=92:Goto H
:If K=93:Goto L
:If K=94:Goto 14
:If K=44:Goto K
:If K=82:Goto A1
:Lbl 14:ClrHome
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto A
:If K=93:Goto C
:If K=94:Goto 16
:If K=95:Goto 50
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl I:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto D
:If K=93:Goto F
:If K=94:Goto G
:If K=82:Goto 15
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl 15:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto 13
:If K=93:Goto 12
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl K:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Output(2,1,"1: EXIT
:DelVar S
:Repeat S≠0
:If S=105:Goto 99
:If S=92:Goto Q
:If S≠105 and S≠92:Goto K
:Lbl 99:ClrHome
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Output(4,4,"Relat Var
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=92:Goto T
:If K=93:Goto U
:If K=94:Goto V
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl O:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=44:Goto K
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto P
:If K=93:Goto 11
:Lbl 11:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto S
:If K=93:Goto N
:If K=94:Goto 10
:If K=82:Goto 02
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl 30:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Output(1,1,"F1: Lock
:Output(2,1,"F3: Help
:Output(3,1,"F5: Exit
:Output(4,1,"APPS: Others
:Output(5,1,"MATH: Maths
:Output(6,1,"PRGM: Menu
:Pause :Goto 0
:Lbl S:ClrHome
:If A=1 and B=10
:Pause :Goto S
:If B=1 and A=10:Then
:Pause :Goto S
:If A=1:Then
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",A
:If A=1:Then
:If B=1:Then
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",G
:If G=1:Then
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
:Disp "","","","","","",
:If T>21:Goto B
:Input G
:If G=1:Then
:Goto E
:Lbl E:ClrHome
:If F>21:Then
:Output(3,4,"HOUSE BUST
:Output(5,5,"YOU WIN
:Pause :Goto 11
:Output(1,3,"TOTAL OF
:Output(4,2,"HOUSE TOTAL OF
:If T>F:Then
:Output(7,6,"YOU WIN
:Pause :Goto 11
:If F>T:Then
:Output(7,5,"YOU LOSE
:Pause :Goto 11
:If F=T:Then
:Pause :Goto 11
:If C=1:Then:ClrHome
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",C
:If C=1:Then
:Disp "","","","","","",
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
:If T>21:Goto B
:Input G
:If G=1:Then
:Goto E
:If D=1:Then:ClrHome
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",D
:If D=1:Then
:Disp "","","","","","",
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:Output(5,13,"STAY=1 HIT=2
:If T>21:Goto B
:Input G
:If G=1:Then
:Goto E
:If E=1:Then
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",E
:If E=1:Then
:Disp "","","","","","",
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:If T>21:Then
:Goto B
:Pause :Goto E
:Lbl B:ClrHome
:Output(3,5,"YOU LOSE
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:Pause :Goto 11
:Lbl T:ClrHome
:Input "Val depart=?",D
:Input "Val arrivee=?",A
:Text(1,1,"Variation /100=",X
:Pause :DelVar X:DelVar A:DelVar D:Goto K
:Lbl U:ClrHome
:Prompt A,D
:Disp "Relative rate=",X,".
:Pause :DelVar A:DelVar X:DelVar D:Goto K
:Lbl V:ClrHome
:Input "DEMANDE or CONSU=",D
:Input "PRICE or WAGE",P
:Pause :DelVar D:DelVar P:DelVar X:Goto K
:Lbl A:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Prompt A,B
:If X=1
:Lbl C:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Prompt A,B
:Pause :DelVar A:DelVar B:DelVar X:Goto J
:Lbl L:ClrHome
:Input X
:Disp X
:Pause :DelVar X:Goto K
:Lbl H:ClrHome
:Disp "(A+B)^2=
:Disp "A^2+2AB+B^2
:Disp "(A-B)^2=
:Disp "A^2-2AB+B^2
:Disp "(A+B)(A-B)="
:Disp "A^2-B^2
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl A1
:Disp "Nb de donnees
:Input "par axe:",N
:Disp "Abscisses
:Input "Depart:",D
:Input "Intervalle:",I
:Disp "Ordonnees:","Valeur nº
:Input P
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Output(1,5,"Plot Type
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto A2
:If K=93:Goto A3
:If K=94:Goto A4
:If K=82:Goto B2
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl A2:ClrHome
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto A5
:If K=93:Goto A6
:If K=94:Goto A7
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl A5
:Plot1Scatter ,L1,L2,{cross}
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl A6
:Plot1Scatter ,L1,L2,{box}
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl A7
:Plot1Scatter ,L1,L2,{dot}
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl A3:ClrHome
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Output(5,8,"3: {dot}
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto A8
:If K=93:Goto A9
:If K=94:Goto B1
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl A8
:Plot1xyLine ,L1,L2,{cross}
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl A9
:Plot1xyLine ,L1,L2,{box}
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl B1
:Plot1xyLine ,L1,L2,{dot}
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl A4
:Plot1Hist ,L1,L2
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl B2:ClrHome
:Pause :Goto J
:Lbl 16:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Prompt N
:Text(1,1,"Square root=",N,"=",X,".
:Pause :Goto 14
:Lbl 13:ClrHome
:Input "Hypothenuse=?",H
:Input "COTE 2=?",A
:Input "COTE 3=?",B
:If 0=H:Then
:If 0=A:Then
:ClrHome:Output(1,1,"COTE 2=",A,".
:If 0=B:Then
:ClrHome:Output(1,1,"COTE 3=",B,".
:Pause :DelVar H:DelVar A:DelVar B:Goto 14
:Lbl 12:ClrHome
:Input "Grande longueur=",L
:Prompt D,E
:If L=X:Then
:ClrHome:Output(1,1,"Le triangle est rectangle
:ClrHome:Output(1,1,"Le triangle n'est pas rectangle
:Pause :Goto 14
:Lbl 50:ClrHome
:Prompt N
:Disp "Cos(n)=",x
:Disp "Sin(n)=",y
:disp "Tan(n)=",z
:DelVar X:DelVar Y:DelVar Z
:Pause :Goto 14
:Lbl D:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Prompt R
:Pause :DelVar R:DelVar A:DelVar P:Goto I
:Lbl F:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Disp "F=HYP/3º COTE
:Prompt H,F
:Pause :DelVar H:DelVar F:DelVar X:Goto I
:Lbl G:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Prompt A
:Pause :DelVar A:DelVar V:Goto I
:Lbl P:ClrHome
:Lbl P:ClrHome
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=11:Goto Z
:If K=15:Goto Q
:If K=13:Goto 30
:If K=42:Goto O
:If K=41:Goto M
:If K=43:Goto 0
:If K=22:Goto 20
:If K=92:Goto R
:If K=93:Goto W
:If K=44:Goto K
:Lbl W
:Input "Message: ",Str3
:If A=π:Str3→Str1
:If A={e}:Str3→Str2
:Goto M:Lbl R
:If A={e}:Then
:Pause :Goto M
:Lbl N:ClrHome
:While 1
:If K=92 and Y=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=93 and Z=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=94 and W=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=82 and T=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=83 and U=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=84 and V=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=72 and O=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=73 and P=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=74 and Q=0:Then
:If X=1:Then
:If X=0:Then
:If K=45:Then:ClrHome
:If Y+Z+W=3 or T+U+V=3 or O+P+Q=3 or O+U+W=3 or Y+U+Q=3 or O+T+Y=3 or P+U+Z=3 or Q+V+W=3
:Output(7,6,"O wins
:If Y+Z+W=30 or T+U+V=30 or O+P+Q=30 or O+U+W=30 or Y+U+Q=30 or O+T+Y=30 or P+U+Z=30 or Q+V+W=30:Then
:Output(7,6,"X wins
:If O+P+Q+T+U+V+Y+Z+W=54:Then
:If K=0:Then:End:End
:Pause :Goto O
:Lbl 02:ClrHome
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Output(1,4,"Main menu
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=92:Goto 04
:If K=93:Goto 03
:If K=15:Goto 09
:Lbl 03:ClrDraw
:Text(0,0,"Rules of the game:
:Text(6,0,"take off 1 to 6
:Text(12,0,"matches without taking
:Text(18,0,"the last one
:Pause :Goto 02
:Lbl 04
:Output(1,3,"Nbr players
:Output(3,1,"1: 1P
:Output(5,1,"2: 2P
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=92:Goto 41
:If K=93:Goto 42
:Lbl 41
:Goto 05
:Lbl 42
:Lbl 05
:Repeat A<1
:If J=1 and T=1
:Output(2,1,"takes :
:Repeat E<7 and E>0
:Input  "Number to take",E
:If L1(1)<0
:If L1(2)<0
: 0->L1(2) 
:If J=1 and T=1
:End:DelVar Z
:End:DelVar Z
:Output(1,5,"Start again?
:Repeat K≠0
:If K=92:Goto 05
:If K=93:Goto 02
:If K=94:Then: Lbl 09: ClrHome: ClrDraw: Stop
:Lbl 20:prgmPARAMS
:Lbl 10:ClrHome:ClrDraw
:Repeat max(S≠{L1} and Ans≠{L2}
:Repeat T=Ans and S={L1}(I
:If Ans=45:Goto Q
:If Ans=34 or 2>abs(Ans-25:Ans→K
:Lbl Q:ClrHome:ClrDraw
/me stares at the code and goes w00t.

1. DJ, thanks for giving me your password ;)
2. rayquaza59, nice to see you're still working on this
3. Good luck fixing the bugs rayquaza59, but does it work well in hardware, I mean, your real calculator?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 12, 2011, 03:35:48 am
dunno, I still haven't any :/

why do you go woot??
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 12, 2011, 03:37:00 am
I thought you already got a new calc back? ??? I guess I got confused somewhere. X.x
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 12, 2011, 03:37:33 am
I have one, it's a nspire touchpad, so no TI-84keypad given :/
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 12, 2011, 03:40:10 am
Oh ok. I hope you get a 84+ keypad soon. :/
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 12, 2011, 03:41:47 am
I hope too xD i still have to fix the bugs, so I'm a bit busy :D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 12, 2011, 05:30:26 am
Can you order one for free in France?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 13, 2011, 01:32:42 am
I'm not sure if TI does that anymore anywhere actually. Maybe if we register our calc? (But then I bet they charge for shipping, right?)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 13, 2011, 04:39:49 am
I'm not sure if TI does that anymore anywhere actually. Maybe if we register our calc? (But then I bet they charge for shipping, right?)

They still do that in Portugal.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 14, 2011, 08:31:11 pm
Ah good to hear. :)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 15, 2011, 09:19:28 am
They don't do that in France, or I would have heard of it before ;) I already checked TI France website, but no information about any free TI-84 keypad :/

[edit] I fixed the bug of the ERR:UNDEFINED in SimpleCS, here it is!
Source code available here (
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 15, 2011, 05:13:35 pm
Once again, a screenshot for you:


It looks cool, I liked the Snake game and I have to say, finally, this looks like a very interesting project!

EDIT: I used the SourceCoder version.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 16, 2011, 10:45:23 am
If you find any bug or any improvement to make, just tell me. Btw Scout, shouldn't you be sleeping at that time? ;D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 16, 2011, 04:16:05 pm
If you find any bug or any improvement to make, just tell me. Btw Scout, shouldn't you be sleeping at that time? ;D

rayquaza59, do you intend on uploading this to Omnimaga downloads and

rayquaza59: Probably, but I have to catch up on posts for now.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 17, 2011, 09:50:03 am
Yes, that would have been a great idea :D!! I'll try to upload it on Omni, but I don't know how to use, so I'll start by uploading it on Omnimaga. You're a genius  ;) :thumbsup:
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 17, 2011, 11:06:08 am
Now that I think about it, uploading it on Omnimaga is not possible, since we can only upload games here.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 20, 2011, 09:25:01 am
I've been looking for the free keypad in France... I just needed to register (me in a first time) and then my calc, to see a page where I can order the free TI-84 keypad... The main problem is that I need an American address (or Canadian). In which we can conclude that TI takes their customers for granted, as well as treating them as stupid people.

Btw, I've been working on SimpleCS and PARAMS, they are working quite well, but they are still in beta, although they don't bug for the moment. The attachment is SimpleCS 3.5G beta with PARAMS 1.0 beta.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: JosJuice on March 20, 2011, 09:39:28 am
I've been looking for the free keypad in France... I just needed to register (me in a first time) and then my calc, to see a page where I can order the free TI-84 keypad... The main problem is that I need an American address (or Canadian). In which we can conclude that TI takes their customers for granted, as well as treating them as stupid people.
Are you browsing the US/Canada site? There are localized sites available on... Wait lol, I can't get the url. Their website is down.

Anyway, there are localized versions of the website. They usually have less content. TI assumes that you're using the France website if you're in France, so try using that website. (Of course, there's a large possibility that they removed the 84+ keypad stuff from the localized version...)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 20, 2011, 10:03:52 am
Well, I'm browsing the FRENCH website, then I click on "Solliciter un accessoire". The link goes on EPSSTORE (the US one). :/ I sent an email to TI-Cares, and if they tell me I can't get it for free, they'll have some troubles: why would some people from a specified country be able to get something for free whereas it's not free in another? Ashamed.

Btw, this is not the subject of that topic ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: JosJuice on March 20, 2011, 10:06:23 am
Well, I'm browsing the FRENCH website, then I click on "Solliciter un accessoire". The link goes on EPSSTORE (the US one). :/
Well, that's silly... I thought TI wouldn't do something like that, but still, it doesn't really surprise me.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 20, 2011, 10:10:14 am
Nothing surprise us from TI :P
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 20, 2011, 10:55:00 am
Nothing surprise us from TI :P

Their website is, as I write this, down.

Yup, no surprise there.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 23, 2011, 11:04:47 am
Well, I'll answer to TI-Cares, as they told me something totally stupid...

SimpleCS v4.0G's new features will be:
    -more maths formula;
    -more economics formula;
    -physics formula as well;
    -new games (or improved versions of the ones in 3.5);
    -maybe a beautiful GUI (not sure though)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 23, 2011, 11:08:19 am
Well, I'll answer to TI-Cares, as they told me something totally stupid...

SimpleCS v4.0G's new features will be:
    -more maths formula;
    -more economics formula;
    -physics formula as well;
    -new games (or improved versions of the ones in 3.5);
    -maybe a beautiful GUI (not sure though)

rayquaza, nice to see you around.

The GUI I used the last time was pretty beautiful for a Basic program, great actually.
Concerning more formulas and games, nice, please improve the snake game too, it's good, but I think it is a bit buggy (if I remember correctly).
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 23, 2011, 11:24:27 am
Nice to see you around too Scout (and Fast Crash, who I "saw")! ;)
I don't understand what GUI you're talking about, considering my UI as a TextUI...
I've always known the snake game to be buggy, but I didn't realise it could be so important ;D Don't worry, i'll try to fix it ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 23, 2011, 12:00:51 pm
Nice to see you around too Scout (and Fast Crash, who I "saw")! ;)
I don't understand what GUI you're talking about, considering my UI as a TextUI...
I've always known the snake game to be buggy, but I didn't realise it could be so important ;D Don't worry, i'll try to fix it ;)

It's a TextUI but still cool
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 23, 2011, 12:17:28 pm
I'll try to improve it ;) I already optimized the code. It's now 1006 lines big, less than 1062 lines just 5 minutes ago :D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 23, 2011, 02:19:51 pm
Nice, it's always good when we can save some bytes here and there. :)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 23, 2011, 04:33:49 pm
I'll try to improve it ;) I already optimized the code. It's now 1006 lines big, less than 1062 lines just 5 minutes ago :D

60 lines, great!!!!

I actually noticed that when I pressed buttons (1,2) in the menus it was not that slow (as in previous versions).
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 25, 2011, 02:52:38 pm
@scout: really?! glad to here! I'll try to optimize it even more ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 25, 2011, 03:12:46 pm
@scout: really?! glad to here! I'll try to optimize it even more ;)

Of course really. Good luck with optimization, it can be pretty hard sometimes. I'm also considering to make new screenshots and better screenshots of this in the next version and publicise it a bit, since not a lot of people have yet commented here.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on March 25, 2011, 03:31:23 pm
SimpleCS v3.6 is OUT! It's the version with a guess for the 4.0 version ;)

Source code (
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on March 25, 2011, 03:32:50 pm
Great rayquaza, I'll make a screenshot of it after studying =D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on April 03, 2011, 09:14:59 am
SimpleCS 4.0 feature wishlist is opened :D

If there's any feature which you'd like on SimpleCS 4.0, post a message ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on April 04, 2011, 09:49:02 am
SimpleCS 4.0 feature wishlist is opened :D

If there's any feature which you'd like on SimpleCS 4.0, post a message ;)

I think a better division of maths formulas :D And probably a way to go back in menus?

Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on April 13, 2011, 08:49:39 am
OK for maths formulas, they are already planned ;)
but what do you mean by a way to go back in menus?? Like the IE "Previous" button??
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on April 13, 2011, 08:50:31 am
OK for maths formulas, they are already planned ;)
but what do you mean by a way to go back in menus?? Like the IE "Previous" button??

Pressing CLEAR would go to the last menu for example, yup like the 'Previous' button in a web browser :D
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on April 13, 2011, 08:52:20 am
Hum...... That should be possible, but not applyable to every menus: some are just after the main menu, so pressing CLEAR=pressing PRGM (or the button to go to the main menu, if it's not PRGM, then I don't remember which one it is...)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on April 13, 2011, 08:58:27 am
Hum...... That should be possible, but not applyable to every menus: some are just after the main menu, so pressing CLEAR=pressing PRGM (or the button to go to the main menu, if it's not PRGM, then I don't remember which one it is...)

That's what when you press [CLEAR]:

If you're in the main menu, close.
If you're in the menu after the main menu, go to the main menu.
If you press in the menu after the menu after the main menu, go the previous menu.
Basically, go to the previous menu or close the program if you're in Main Menu.
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on April 13, 2011, 09:02:35 am
If I'm in the main menu, or in any other menu, pressing F3 (or GRAPH on TI-82) will close it...
If I'm in the menu after the main menu, or in any other menu, pressing PRGM will go to the main menu (or another button, but I don't remember which one xD)

I've only done those ones, not the third thing you're telling me about... i'll try to include it in SimpleCS 4.0 ;) Any other idea?
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on April 13, 2011, 09:10:12 am
If I'm in the main menu, or in any other menu, pressing F3 (or GRAPH on TI-82) will close it...
If I'm in the menu after the main menu, or in any other menu, pressing PRGM will go to the main menu (or another button, but I don't remember which one xD)

I've only done those ones, not the third thing you're telling me about... i'll try to include it in SimpleCS 4.0 ;) Any other idea?

Sorry rayquaza59, I don't really know what else for you to add :(
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: NeoCrisis on April 13, 2011, 09:29:11 am
I'll try to add the PREVIOUS feature and more formulas ;)
Title: Re: [PROJECT] SimpleCS
Post by: Munchor on April 13, 2011, 10:14:17 am
I'll try to add the PREVIOUS feature and more formulas ;)

Great :D