Calculator Community > TI Z80

Mimas - an on-calculator assembly IDE

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aeTIos, you can create a comment with no text by just typing a semicolon. It's what I do.

I find that creating a simple program in Mimas to test something is faster than creating it on a computer and sending it over. Certainly, an in-system assembler is useful, if not always pleasant.

You might consider making the C000h limiter more flexible, by allowing one to define any address. This would be useful for making applications and for program only intended for the TI-83+SE/TI-84+/SE, which allow code up to 0C3FFh.

I'm not opposed to the idea, but I'm pretty sure you're reading that wrong.  It's not that execution is allowed on page 80, but that it would be allowed in the first kilobyte of page 82 if the execution limits did not wrap around at 32k (see port 21.)

It's not at all difficult to run large programs on the SE/84+: you can temporarily copy page 80 to page 83 and set port 5 to 3.  Of course, you can't use the system USB routines, and of course you need to restore the app base page table afterwards.

Blank lines: visually, I kind of like the use of blank comments instead, since they show you that there's something there (like the colons at the start of lines in the BASIC editor, if you see a semicolon at the bottom of the screen you know there's more to come, but if it's a blank line you know you're at the end of the section.)  UI-wise, maybe it would make sense for pressing Enter/Ins to automatically create a blank comment (if you don't type anything else.)

Deep Toaster:

--- Quote from: FloppusMaximus on December 18, 2012, 04:47:24 pm ---Blank lines: visually, I kind of like the use of blank comments instead, since they show you that there's something there (like the colons at the start of lines in the BASIC editor, if you see a semicolon at the bottom of the screen you know there's more to come, but if it's a blank line you know you're at the end of the section.)
--- End quote ---
I'd never thought of doing that :P Thanks for the tip.

Mimas is one of my favorite apps (it's either Mimas or Calcsys or Axe for me). IMO it's got one of the most polished UIs I've seen so far. Glad you're working on it and can't wait to see what happens next :)


--- Quote from: FloppusMaximus on December 18, 2012, 04:47:24 pm ---I'm not opposed to the idea, but I'm pretty sure you're reading that wrong.  It's not that execution is allowed on page 80, but that it would be allowed in the first kilobyte of page 82 if the execution limits did not wrap around at 32k (see port 21.)

--- End quote ---
Ah, you're right.

I would just like to remind people that making all of $C000-$FFFF executable is entirely possible. For example, see Fullrene.


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