Calculator Community > tiDE

Stetson Progress

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Some of you may know that benryves once wrote an emulator known as Stetson.  He eventually dropped this project, but I came to the point where I needed a TI-83+ emulator written in C# for tiDE.  Lucky for me, there was already a working one ready by benryves!  I've picked up this project from him, and have begun my own work on Stetson.  First of all, this is where I picked it up from:

It had a screen, with keyboard mapped buttons (missing two buttons as well).  There was no debugger and only limited port implementation.  Flash control was working, but it was unprotected and flash was perpetually unlocked.  It had support for the LCD delay (which makes grayscale work), as well as full implementation of the z80 processor, and basic linking.
Since I got a hold of it, I have changed the GUI to this:

The virtual keypad is fully functional, and the memory viewer as well (though I have not yet completed the ability to modify its contents).  Here's what I've added:
-Linux compatability
-Protected port control
-Protected ports
-Fixed screen off state
-Virtual keyboard
-Memory viewer
-Pause/resume emulation
-Fixed broken keyboard mappings
-Added ROM selection dialog

Here are things I have planned to add:
-Finish memory viewer
-Register/status viewer/editor
-Remaining ports
-15 MHz support
-Source level debugging integration with tiDE
-Specialised debugging for KnightOS and GlassOS (the latter requiring more effort)
-GIF recording
-Improved file sending

Any feedback or feature requests?

Woah, that looks really nice/useful. Feature-wise, can't think of anything right now, seems like you have most of it covered between the two lists

Nice :D

That looks awesome. Can't wait to see this, especially with the tiDE integration stuff :)

Yay, I'm looking forward to it. ^.^

Very cool. I'm assuming this is for the 83+ family only?

Feature idea: Virtual linking between 2 calcs.

Also, somewhat unrelated: What is GlassOS? I either missed it or am just unfamiliar with it.


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