Omnimaga > Trapped for the TI-Nspire and TI-89

Block Dude 2: Trapped for TI-89 Titanium and TI-Nspire

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DJ Omnimaga:
Hmm I wonder... did that game include the original Block Dude in it? I'm curious since you didn't release any Block Dude 1 for the 89. Or is it already available for the 89?

I never made a block dude 1 for the 89, but there are several versions of it already available.  I think there is even one with a level editor!

apcalc: are you considering making a Lua version of trapped? maybe joining trapped and block dude in the same app as they can use the same sprites and you'd know it would be (we believe) eternaly compatible with recent and updated nspires...

This is a pretty good idea, I might look into it.  I have been very stressed IRL lately and I have had very little time to pursue my projects.  Hopefully, I will have more time in the near future!


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