Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite
CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
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The title sums it all. I don't know if you were already asked (and I would be surprised if you weren't) but I didn't see that question anywhere.
So would you consider adding CSE support for Wabbitemu ?

(And I know there is jsTIfied, but I hate online solutions, I spend 6 hours per week in a train and "online" can't be part of a solution).
DJ Omnimaga:
There was Tilem which had experimental CSE support IIRC, but it was only for Linux and I don't think it's being developed anymore right now.

I would like a standalone emu too, but for different reasons. As much as I like jsTIfied and its cross-compatibility with pretty much everything, my computer is just too slow to run it for long periods, especially when taking animated screenshots (during capture the emu runs about 10 times slower than the real calc and the stop capture button takes 1 minute to respond). It is understandable since it uses Javascript, but an alternate solution would definitively be great.
Yeah, I'd like to see that. jsTIfied is pretty much the only emulator that supports CSE, but it's online, would be nice to see a desktop emulator like Wabbitemu supporting it, especilly with its ROM wizard.
I don't know that TilEm2 work on CSE support has stopped, at least the last CSE related commit was from 4 months ago. I don't have a CSE to test it out, so i can't comment on how accurate it is. But if you've got a linux partition it'd be worth at least testing.
Lunar Fire:
I think at some point it will be inevitable to have CSE support for the emulator to keep living, as more and more people will (or will have to) buy the CSE. We already have dreamdragon who is one of the early users interested in development for the CSE, and we have to expect more young people to come here expecting to find programs and development tools for the CSE. If Wabbitemu does not add support for the CSE, some people will prefer others that do like TilEm2 and jsTIfied.

So should WabbitEmu support CSE? Definitively.
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