Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite
Original Reuben Quest doesn't work on WabbitDS
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The second one does just fine, but the first seems to lock up on the "set the contrast" I tried to xfer the save file so I can get past it but it dooesn't seem to work. It gets stuck on the contrast/refresh scren Idon't know what's causing it, even attempting to unarchive evreything it still doesn't run correctly and freezes again.
Do you mean the Axe remake or DJs basic version? I never had problems with either running in wabbit...
Have you ever used WabbitEmu on the Nintendo DS Sorunome? I don't think it's very up to date.

--- Quote from: Art_of_camelot on May 04, 2015, 08:20:32 am ---Have you ever used WabbitEmu on the Nintendo DS Sorunome? I don't think it's very up to date.

--- End quote ---
Oh, no, on PC wabbitemu
The sequel one works just fine and I know that it's not that up to date, even though it's 1.0 it doesn't run as fast as I'd like for it to be Basically it runs ~20% slower than on my actual calc(the second one), and the xlib ti-basic gaems with the 2x speed mode run almost as fast as on the calc itself. I'm sure part of it is that the ds isn't that fast really at all. And I was hoping to have a simple way of going at it, but that's the one game that gets stuck on the "set contrast/refresh rate" screen. The second one runs just fine andseemingly at full speed. Both are the axe versions, I'd not dare attempt to run the original basic ones due to how slow oher basic games run.
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