Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite

There was an error sending the file to the calculator

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--- Quote from: darincox on August 29, 2017, 01:19:20 pm ---I am simply selecting the rom on my phone that I previously uploaded from my calculator using tilp.

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So you are selecting it through the ROM wizard? As in you have not loaded another ROM into the emulator yet?

--- Quote from: darincox on August 29, 2017, 01:19:20 pm ---I have not tried it elsewhere. 

--- End quote ---
It might be good to validate that other emulators can read the ROM.

I only have the one ROM, so no I have not tried others.

I will try it with another emulator,  but since I need it on Android I need it to work with wabbitemu.

I tried it with the desktop version of Wabbitemu and the ROM worked fine.  Just not with the android version.

Any ideas on how to get ROMs to work with the Android version of Wabbitemu?

Edit (Eeems): Merged double triple post

Well you could try recreating the ROM using wabbitemu on your desktop and see if that one works. The Android app may be running into something unexpected about the format of the ROM from TiLP.

Oh, and please don't double/triple post. Edit your last post if you have an update.

Thanks.  Loading and re-saving the ROM from the Desktop version appears to have done the trick.

Much appreciated.


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