Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite

Wabbitemu Android Beta

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--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on February 14, 2014, 11:59:59 am ---So I assume a 400 Mhz phone with 279 MB of RAM would not be close to enough? :P

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I believe that would have trouble running an 83p let alone a CSE. Depends on if you're on an ARMv7 processor.

--- Quote from: thepenguin77 on February 14, 2014, 02:38:06 pm ---I had an idea today while using this. Could you make the calculator resizable? I don't know how difficult that would be, but the idea would be to allow you to make the calculator larger so that it just barely fits on the screen.

The main motivation for this would be to make the calculator taller so that the "TI-84+ Silver Edition \n Texas Instruments" part is off screen. I realize you probably shouldn't have it like that by default due to potential copyright issues, but making it taller like that would help the aspect ratio of the calculator LCD.

Or maybe just a way to fix the aspect ratio of the LCD. (It's a little smashed vertically on my HTC one)

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Yeah this was always a concern for me, but didn't quite make it into initial release. I had some extra time so I added the following options:
1. Use correct screen aspect ratio
2. Make screen as large as possible

When used together this should solve your issue, although it doesn't look pretty. I've pushed out a new beta with these settings available.


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