Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite
Wabbitemu Android Beta
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Hello all,

I'm looking for Android users to do a little beta testing of the new Wabbitemu for Android app. Get it from It would be great if I could get some feedback on any issues encountered, or on any suggestions to improve the app.

Currently I'm targeting Android devices of ICS or higher (4.0.4), but I'm curious to hear if it works on Honeycomb or Gingerbread devices. Make sure if you have any issues you say what type of device you have, and what version of Android you are running.

Lunar Fire:
I downloaded this and I will try it in the next couple of days, telling you if I encounter any bugs or inconsistencies.
I'll try it for sure.
Also, on your server there used to be multiple copies of Spencer Putt's Zelda, they aren't there anymore
I have been using this app since August, and I must say it looks great, and works as well as it looks
I downloaded and tried with a TI-83 and a TI-83 Plus ROM files on my external SD card, none is detected.

Not sure if one is supposed to be there, but I can't see any menu when pressing the menu key.

Improvements : if it's not done already, import/export of programs and apps would be super :)
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