Calculator Community > WabbitStudio Software Suite

WabbitStudio Software Suite

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DJ Omnimaga actually found that link a few weeks ago.
It only had a wabbitemu build. Now it is complete.

I have some bugs of spasm to report. >_> I will put there ASAP.

Good to know.
But I like to scavenge some files in the Internet...

DJ Omnimaga:
The URL was a bit different, though, IIRC, and missed some

I should note that with the transition to using visual studio to build some features will be momentarily lost (eg: the option of sending to ram or archive when dragging) but they will reimplemented fairly shortly. This doesnt effect you quite yet, but it also means any new features you request will appear in that build, not the default download build.
Also interestingly look at the reported file size for the normal Wabbitemu build. Awesome.

What's the terms of redistribution?

Its all under the GPL except for certain portions of Wabbitcode, which have sections redistributed under various license agreements (LGPL, MIT, etc). To be honest we don't really care as long as you're not passing it off as your own.


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