General Discussion > Web Programming and Design


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Deep Toaster:

--- Quote from: Sorunome on December 04, 2014, 03:04:11 pm ---Um, wait, you have 50MB of source code? O.O
--- End quote ---
Just checked, it's 10 MB of PHP/JS source code. The other 40 MB are images and other files.

By the way, if you want to try it here's a nice command to find the total file size of a certain type:
--- Code: ---find . -name '*.asm' | xargs du -ch
--- End code ---

--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on December 04, 2014, 08:07:22 pm ---As for the site I hope your new host is more stable than 000webhost. :P
--- End quote ---
I'm paying for it, so it better be. (It's GoDaddy Deluxe.)

DJ Omnimaga:
Although I heard horror stories about GoDaddy before but it might have been more due to their position on SOPA/PIPA back then. I hope it works fine for you there.

Openshift is also great, I am using it to host a similarly sized website (~18MB PHP, HTML, CSS, 120MB of images)


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