Omnimaga > XDE

XDE: The Axe Development Environment

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Deep Toaster:
So, now that I have Axe 0.4.4, I've finally decided to make something useful in Axe: a development environment. It's probably gonna take a while, though, so don't expect a demo or anything this month. Also, I can't seem to find my link cable, which means no screenshots or anything until I get enough of it done to trouble a friend of mine to lend me his. But just as a preview, this is going to include the following when it's done (if it gets done):

* A small-text editor
* Sprite editing and inserting
* Fully-featured bitmap drawing
* Code highlighting, including grayed-out comments
* LunarIDE-style command auto-completion
* Menus for the commands, organized by category
* Saving into backups
* Compile-and-run, if Axe has an ASM entry point
* Parentheses marking
So what do you guys think? Any feature requests?

How about converting text to TI-OS tokens? I prefer typing stuff out rather than getting it from the catalog or a menu.

Deep Toaster:
Yeah, that's what I meant by "LunarIDE-style command auto-completion".

I actually prefer Tokens to typing it out O.O I can type super fast with tokens, but as soon as i need to type everything out, I would just get super slow :( Thats the single reason i really never tried any on calc editors.

Deep Toaster:
Yeah, that's why I'm also including a menu. I'm thinking F3 (F1 for File, F2 for Edit, F3 for Insert, etc.). I know that people might get disoriented since it's different from the TI-OS, but with Axe tokens being reasonably new, it might not matter.


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