Omnimaga > XDE


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Deep Toaster:
The Ximp Image Manipulation Program :P

It's going to have all the fun stuff you'd expect in a basic image editor: editing images of any size, tools like fill and smear, etc. Users will be able to save an image as a Pic, hex string (in XDE's clipboard, so you can paste it into any program), or as an editable appvar (maybe, if I decide to support objects).

EDIT: And as a font for Correlation :D


can't wait for screenies/demos :D

Deep Toaster:
Gonna take a while :( I'm still working on creating a new image/opening an image, and finals are coming up...

When I finish, though, I'll package a smaller version with XDE.

Cool! sounds extremely useful, especially if included with an IDE

DJ Omnimaga:
Nice, I think it should be integrated into XDE.


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