General Discussion > Art

NES graphics without restrictions

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Wait you confused me. :/ Is this screenie NES or GBC ?

It's gbc and not nes.

DJ Omnimaga:
That looks great indeed. I wish that the NES allowed more colors at once too.  Some devs really did an impressive job at making stuff look great despite the limitations, though.

Looks very nice Keoni! ^^ I had some Sprites from Super Ghouls and Ghosts that I was down converting to an NES pallet. I should see if I can find them and post them. They were pretty true to the original restrictions, but I think a few of them had 4 colours per sprite instead of 3.

*edit* I like that the hud was moved out of the play area as well.

Yeah that was a major improvement in the second game: the hud in a sepeparate part of the screen. It is sometimes difficult to see.


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