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HotkeySE | DoorsCS

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Here's the source code to a new shell expansion I made for Doors CS. You can download it below as a file.

Can anybody tell me if I could optimize this some more? This is my first functional/released assembly program and I don't know if I've missed some optimizations. Thanks all and I hope you find this useful! The source is in the download.

Edit: I got some help from Zeda at optimizing my program as well as some from Kerm. @Roccolox helped me realize that I didn't need to check the arrow keys so now the mouse goes a lot faster because it skips the iterations when the arrow keys are pressed and uses an optimized key routine.

Edit2: I finished the configuration program. It allows you to remove keys and change keys based upon your key presses. Check it out! I also made some very minor optimizations that make the program smaller. DO NOT use the older versions of HOTKEYSE with this program. I've packed the HOTKEYSE that will work in the latest along with the KEYCONF program. (Source and documentation included.) The download link is below! Enjoy!

Yet Another Edit:
I have made my code even smaller for this. At the moment I am working on a smaller version of KEYCONF. (I had it working but I thought I was being clever while optimizing it and broke it... only 420 bytes). This new version of HOTKEYSE will not be compatible with the KEYCONF, but if you're feeling venturous(or just know what you're doing) then you can change what keys do things and recompile it yourself. I've included the download. :)

DJ Omnimaga:
I didn't know that Doors CS still supported expansions. I thought that feature was only available in Doors CS 6.x or something (I remember trying an expansion that changed the GUI to something closer to MirageOS)


--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 14, 2020, 02:32:13 pm ---I didn't know that Doors CS still supported expansions. I thought that feature was only available in Doors CS 6.x or something (I remember trying an expansion that changed the GUI to something closer to MirageOS)

--- End quote ---

If you got a shell expansion to do that pass it over please :P . Doors kept that feature.

DJ Omnimaga:
Unfortuntately that was about 13-15 years ago and I can no longer locate it. D:

Alright, I just got to try this (it turns out the reason it crashed for me was a bug from another program I was testing).

This is simple and practical; good work! It genuinely improves my DCS experience just by having the [.] and [prgm] buttons for renaming and editing. (Especially the [prgm] one as that is quite intuitive, same with [(] and [)] for copy/paste).


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