Calculator Community > ASM

How do I load a symbol into a string?

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I'm going to be honest: at this point, I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. I thought you wanted to store the A register into Str0 as a byte?

What I'm trying to say is I want the code to store Ans as a byte into Str0, I'll add a please if needed.

You mean the OS variable, Ans (which is a float), converted to an 8-bit integer and then stored as a byte in Str0 ?

Yeah, the idea is to enter a number from 0 to 255 into Ans and then run the program, That way you'll get the corresponding symbol stored into Str0.

Well it should be the same code with the push \ pop and at the top bcall(_RclAns) \ bcall(_ConvOP1).


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