Calculator Community > ASM

How do I load a symbol into a string?

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I'm trying to put A into Str0, but I don't know how.

Do you mean the token, "A" ?
You'll need to verify that the string exists, then verify its size. Then it is simply a matter of writing the token. In this case, it is a 1-byte token and happens to correspond to the ASCII value (0x41).

If all you want is to make Str0="A", the easy way is to check if it exists, delete it if so, then create a new string of size 1, then load the bytes into it.

--- Code: ---; Load the name into OP1
 ld hl,$09AA    ; internally, Str0 is represented as 0xAA09
 ld (OP1+1),hl

; Check if it exists and delete if necessary
 rst rFindSym
 jr c,make_str0

; Now create Str0 with size 1. Put the name in OP1 first
 ld hl,$09AA
 ld (OP1+1),hl

; Size is 1 byte
 ld hl,1

;Pointer to size bytes is in DE. Switch to HL
 ex de,hl

; Don't need the size, so skip those two bytes and get to the start of the data
 inc hl
 Inc hl

; Now write the token
 ld (hl),tA    ; if using same as $41 or in this specific case, 'A'


--- End code ---
Please note that I haven't tested this; I'm on mobile so it was heck to type as it is :D

No, I wanna put the contents of the A register into Str0, as a character/symbol, not a number.

Oh, just do same code, but push af first, and then instead of ld (hl),tA use pop af \ ld (hl),a

 ,Doesn't seem to work, send me the code to store Ans (as a character) into Str0 maybe?


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