Calculator Community > Axe

Guts of a program editor

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That gives me a pretty good idea of where you are at. Take a look at the UI I have implemented and tell me what you think of it. What do you think of everything from the way the cursor works to the size of the menus? Ive tried to make sure it feels just like the built in program editor. That way no one has to relearn their muscle memory. If there are any differences, that is a problem. Make sure to tell me. I know that alpha-scrolling is messed up and pressing numbers to select an item in a menu is a little off but the rest of it should be 100% accurate.

Don't bother trying to understand the editor's code. I don't know why it works, only that it does. And I wrote it.

I forgot to ask you if you know what tokens are. iirc Grammer uses them so you might know about them. (If you know the difference between tokens and characters then you are probably fine) Also do you have a emulator or some way of getting screenshots and recordings? If not, it is really easy and I can walk you through how to get it.

I can easily download an emulator. Like most calculator lovers, they probably have a lot of background knowledge of some type of OS. I use Windows 10 and will probably download and install the most popular Wabbitemu.

I will try to get as much feedback on the program as I can muster. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who has muscle memory already  :P)

As for Tokens... It's kind of hard not to know what they are. I think the whole idea that everyone is sharing is adding customs tokens for custom editors so that no one has to use the BASIC Tokens and create hooks that disguise them so they are more readable and understandable.

Also, I'll probably figure it out but..., witch source do I compile first?

When you put it on your calculator, open Axe and compile prgmEDITORSC (it takes a little bit; it's a lot of code!)

Woah. The editor is super buggy. (I didn't expect that  O.O)

So are you building it first before you optimize it?

A lot of the issues are with the menus I think. Every time I open a menu(except for the prgm menu) it freezes, opens the menu, then refreezes with random letters but not random numbers, then I have to pull the batteries.


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