Calculator Community > Axe

Moving sprites in a circle

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In a couple of weeks.  Its a big deal right now since its Senior year and i'm taking 3 AP classes. 

I think i will include a trig tutorial in my physics thread, as it is sooo useful that i use it all the time in complex physics and even basic rotational movement.  I might post that while i'm still getting the collision section finished (its more complicated to explain than i thought)

DJ Omnimaga:
Ouch x.x, I sure hope the same thing that happened to Liazon, nitacku and the like won't happen to you x.x (they took that many and eventually moved on completly from other stuff like calcs x.x)

I could possibly help with some explanations of trigonometry things.

If you know what kind of things you might wanna explain or anything like that you could send me a list or something and I could start working on explanations/tutorials or something. If ya want :)

Axe doesn't have sin() and cos() yet.  I'm adding those when I switch to singed numbers.  Builderboy used the first 2 terms of the taylor series expansion of sin to get approximations.  That's probably why the code doesn't make much sense at first glance.  If you haven't taken calculus then its probably best you wait until I get the trig functions supported becasue the actual math involved is a lot more complicated.

DJ Omnimaga:
I thought Axe alerady switched to signed numbers a few versions ago?


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