Calculator Community > Axe

Moving sprites in a circle

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I just now looked at a tech demo BuilderBoy released with an old update of Axe.
I am in need of some explanation of said technique.

Or is this physics magic again?

Which one?

DJ Omnimaga:
You would prbly need Builderboy help directly, but now his forum posting activity is getting more and more sparse (he will post a lot on a day, then not post for 3 or 4 days, then post like 30 times one day and go in hiatus again) so good luck x.x

Hiya, and yeah, right now is a pretty busy time in school for me, so activity will probably be pretyt low until AP testing is all finished and my teachers stop giving me all this review homework X.X

As for the rotating sprites, it uses a custom Sin routine that is located both early in the routines section, and at the end of the program.  It inputs a value from 0-63 (0 to 2PI) and outputs the result in 0-10.  Using this sin routine, it is fairly easy to generate a roaring sprite loop, using the sin routine for Y, and offsetting the angle by 90 to change it into a Cos routine (cos(ang) = sin(ang+90)) for X.  Do you want me to go into more detail about the specifics of the code, and how the Sin routine works?

DJ Omnimaga:
When does AP testing ends?

It would be cool if you wrote some kind of tutorial, especially for ppl who didn't do trig for years like me (we only skimmed through it in math, during a few days, then moved on, in 2002)


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