Calculator Community > Calculator C

[TIGCC] 68k C

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well, since my current project will probably be under 64 kb (data and executable, since it's such a simple game, just an eleborate and large GUI), I don't think I'll need to worry about DLLs.  If it does get slightly bigger, I'll probably just use ppg.

Something that I've been wondering about for awhile is how to use the linkport.  I've read the link.h article in the TIGCC documentation, but I don't quite understand what I need to do with them to get (semi) real time data transfer.  If I can't get real time, I don't mind turn based kind of stuff, since the game is kind of turn based anyways, though normally you'd never think of it that way.  

Oh, I've been wondering why my OSdequeue key press routine no longer works.  If I can find it I'll post it up.  TIGCC keeps throwing an error that says something along the lines of "Bad Reference to OSdequeue(); Unresolved reference to OSdequeue()"


Yeah, it takes quite a bit to get to 64k...

Your OSdequeue() error could be the result of not having the tigcc.h file included. What you got basically means that it can't find where the function is.

i thought that was default in the header.

Unfortunately, OSdequeue() is not defined in AMS 1.00. :( Which is the one reason that I have never attempted to use it.

Make sure you have the minimum AMS set to 1.01 or better. ;)

in that case, I think I'll try to make sense of that low level key reading stuff.

but then an unsigned long int might not be big enough for a for loop counter.


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