Calculator Community > Calculator C

Sprite Manipulator

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DJ Omnimaga:
I need to make new sprites first O_O

I may have a multi-planed version (other than 1 and 2) working by the end of next week if I work on it. I've actually been fixing some things recently in it and making it remember what you last did with it (like height, width, and the like).

DJ Omnimaga:
I need to post how I make 4-5 level grayscale sprites for xLIB someday. Its quite complicated but maybe someone could make a sprite/tilemap  editor that convert the pics into all the appropriate layers

Once you make it, my script could interlace it. (And I get multi-planing done).

DJ Omnimaga:
would be cool :)

5 level grayscale isnt really worth it for z80 calcs, 4 level do a good job, but would be cool anyway for title screens :)


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