Calculator Community > Casio PRIZM

Age of Darkness: Prizm Edition

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DJ Omnimaga:
I  am curious if it will eventually be ported to the AFX 2.0 and FX 1.0 Plus calcs? :P (Graph 100/100+) Basic is very slow on them, though (even more than the CFX and original 9750G but not as bad as ClassPad series)

lol well, I only 'back ported' it (I mean, I didn't have to change -any- code for it to work on the older calc, just had to convert the file type) because I own that calc. And holy crap, man, does it blaze in that game. It moves faster on the 9750gii than it does on the Prizm.

DJ Omnimaga:
Aah I see, kinda like I did with Illusiat TI-81 remake on the TI-73. :P (No I will never code directly on a calculator that lacks an ALPHA key). And yeah the 9750Gii/9860Gii are much faster than the PRIZM, especially graph screen stuff. The 9750G+, on the other hand...


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