General Discussion > Computer Projects and Ideas

[HTML5/javascript] Platformer game

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As you may have already seen or heard on IRC, I'm working on a platformer game.

At first, this game was meant as an exercise to learn javascript, but I liked it, so I continued working on it.
The point of the game is to get to the green square at the end of the level, while everything that's red is out there to kill you. It's a simple concept, but the game can be quite challenging in some areas.
Here's a screenshot:

You can play it here: The server we host it on doens't have a very good uptime though, so if it's down, just try again later.

To give you guys a challenge: here are my scores from when I was testing the score displaying code:

These aren't my best scores, but I did get a lot of practice while testing, so they probably aren't that bad either. Feel free to post your scores below.

Currently, there are 4 levels (including the tutorial), but more will be added later.

This topic is also posted on Codewalrus.

I got to say, the game may not be to complex, but the minimalistic style is just awesome!  :thumbsup: Reminds me of "The Worlds Hardest Game". (Yes, thats a game)
Edit: could you make the image smaller it breaks page formatting :P
Edit 2: I beat level one in 320 deaths ;) Also, what are you using to host your forum?

I just tried "The Worlds Hardest Game" and gameplay-wise, my platformer does seem to be a platformer version of that O.O
The images should be fixed now.
The forum is SMF and it's hosted (together with the rest of the website) on a Windows 7 conputer that we never turn off, using XAMPP to make the site work.

Wait, this is in a release stage? aaaaawwwweeesooomee!!! :w00t:


--- Quote from: Sorunome on July 08, 2015, 02:51:15 pm ---Wait, this is in a release stage? aaaaawwwweeesooomee!!! :w00t:

--- End quote ---
Let's call it "public beta"  ;)
I just decided that with 3 levels and a tutorial, it actually became a fun game, instead of a simple proof of concept. So I decided to finally write a topic about it.

EDIT: the highscores have been moved to local storage instead of in the cookies, so if you still have any old highscores, they should be migrated to make them work again. There's an option to do that in the changelog.


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