General Discussion > Computer Usage and Setup Help

Quick guide to installing useful stuff on (X)ubuntu

<< < (3/3)

sed is best. here's a line from my panel:

--- Code: ---hc tag_status | tr '\t' '\n' | sed \
-e '1d' \
-e '$d' \
-e 's/\(.*\)/\1 /' \
-e 's/:/ /' \
-e "s/[#+\-%]\(.*\)/%{B${bg_focus} F${fg_focus}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
-e "s/!\(.*\)/%{B${bg_urgent} F${fg_urgent}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
-e "s/\.\(.*\)/%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_grey}} \1%{B${bg_normal} F${fg_normal}}/" \
| tr -d '\n'

--- End code ---

and yeah, shells are meant to just be the glue that binds together other programs

Deep Toaster:
Added a section for installing Emmet (for web developers) on Geany because it was annoyingly complicated x.x


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