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Quick guide to installing useful stuff on (X)ubuntu

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For that, you could use a program written with another language. I used a high level (to write it faster) compiled language to convert ppm images (saved as P3, ascii) into hex, then convert the same image but flipped horizontally into hex, and called that in a script that first uses imagemagick to convert any image into a ppm ;)
So I guess you could do something like that too for your needs :)

Deep Toaster:

--- Quote from: Hayleia on August 15, 2014, 02:11:06 am ---For TiLP, there is a way to install it without super user rights. If you installed it with the installation script, then you should have seen at the end "If you want to use it as a non root user, follow the instructions in ...". Then, the path given is wrong :P
But the instruction still exist and are located in /home/you/lpg/tilp/tilibs/libticables/trunk/CONFIG ;)
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I actually found those instructions but didn't follow through because they seemed too complicated, and sudo tilp is five characters longer than running without root :P

Sidenote, looks like TiLP doesn't really work reliably with USB 3.0 ports.


--- Quote from: Deep Thought on August 15, 2014, 02:45:15 pm ---I actually found those instructions but didn't follow through because they seemed too complicated, and sudo tilp is five characters longer than running without root :P

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Well yeah, if you run it with the terminal, writing sudo won't kill you (even though with your password, it's a bit more than 5 characters :P). But when I use TiLP, I use the icon on one of my panels and am too lazy to type my password in everytime so I followed those instructions once and for all :P


--- Quote from: Deep Thought on August 15, 2014, 12:06:39 pm ---I did consider that too for these installations/configurations, but I don't know how to do search/replace by shell script.

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That's what sed is for ;)

Deep Toaster:
Well then, thanks for the tip.

There are still some minor issues, such as having to type in a root password for MySQL installation, but that should help streamline some of the other parts :D


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