Calculator Community > Elimination

Tips for designing FPS levels?

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Also don't forget variety. Have small twisting corridors and large open areas. For ammo placement, I would make them out of the way, but plentiful, as well as have enemy drops. That way, you can either focus on conserving ammo and take the direct route, or if you're like me and *have* to have max ammo all the time, you can do so, but with increased effort.

And, I seem to recall a few places in Doom where I would get a key or step on a switch of some kind and doors to rooms would open up all around me with like 5 million+ enemies.

DJ Omnimaga:
I lol'd at the pic Eeems. However IIRC in Halo it wasn't that bad lol, although still linear a lot. In some older FPSes you had more freedom it seems.

Stefan Bauwens:
It should be a little mazy I think.
This is a map that maybe could help you?

Is there a specific format I could make a map in? I want to help.


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