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I am lucky to still be alive today (home invasion/robbery)

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How do you look today after the past ordeal?
I do hope you're just fine alive and kicking for this new 2020 year!
Life can get dangerous at times. That's normal, i reckon.

DJ Omnimaga:
I do not have a new picture right now but aside from a mark on my forehead I look just like before the attack. And yeah I agree. I live in a relatively safe city but things can happen.


--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on July 26, 2019, 02:04:30 pm ---

Given where I got punched at first, you are lucky to still see me around today, because I could have died instantly. Basically last Friday I got attacked and robbed despite all doors being locked (they came in through a window) and they even disconnected my internet and stolen my phone to ensure I lose contact with the rest of the world.

This must be one of the first home invasion in Quebec City this year

--- End quote ---
I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic experience.  It's fortunate that you survived the attack, and I hope that you have received the medical attention and support that you need.


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