Calculator Community > Official Contest

What do you think?

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I think we should have first a nominating judges panel, where people can nominate a good judge, then we can pick the judges, and they'll review the prgms.
For anthing else, polls work fine, just that for prgms, people kinda like to pick random votes and not go through the prgm completely, sorta like wat i did for POTY :D

well, since I am eager to kick these off-
this issue is decide and as a lack oposition I suppose all the other issues are ressolved to.

Great, who is going to decide when this kicks off?

DJ Omnimaga:
I dunno I am not really in charge of this contest, plus atm I doubt I would be able to manage it, maybe we should start polls about game theme?

Yeah, I guess necro should manage it? And just have the rest be chosen by polls?


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