Calculator Community > Official Contest

What do you think?

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DJ Omnimaga:
there should be judge I think, but we need more than two and add all scores together

that'd be my position on it, 4-6 would be good I'd think...
it seems a number of people so far have agreed on my opinion  conserning judging.

As far as the other issues, what do you think?

I think having the people vote on pixel art contests like we've done in the past has worked really well.  We could do the same for the movies, as they aren't that hard or long for people to judge.  However, I do believe that for the programs, we would need a set of 3-4 judges that would thoroughly test and play all of the games fully in order to give them a fair score.  I don't think that having the average member judging them would be a good idea as this would lead to biased judging as well as un-fair judging from people who only played a portion of the game or played very little of it, and just made up scores for them.

If we could have one person receive the programs, which are anonymous, then that person would post the programs. Then all who want to could download the program, then we could have a poll for each program. Just like UTI did for the speed coding comp.

any one else?


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