Calculator Community > Pokémon Purple

PokePurple, progress

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That is the problem with the set up, it has to be hardcoded, because there is just too much map to have in a single string, or in all ten strings put together. I dunno yet, I will see about making the game work, then start optimizing from there...

have a program storing the map for each city.

That is what I am doing, sorta. I take from sections # to sections #, and put them in a program. And I try to keep them around 5k in size, so I dont run into problems with running it after I get all the data in.

I also have a plan on on decreasing sprite size and load time. I plan on taking character "G", and using that as a single line of 0's (8 of them in fact) since if you look at all the sprite data, there are tons of 0s. I would go so far as say that it would take 10k off the data for the sprites.

The only downfall is, I would have to copy the sprite displayer, and edit it to work for my purposes. (Basically, take out size detection, add the code for looking at "G" character, etc)

I am gonna go ahead with the code made for "Pokedex BASIC" and see what kind of reaction times and what not I get, and what kind of finalized sizes it will bring.


Well, I timed the first sprite being drawn, and it was roughly 23 seconds. With the new system in place, it was roughly 16, so 7 seconds shaved off roughly. This is gonna vary from sprite to sprite, since some sprites have more spaces than other.

Also, ZPM1 went from 6678 bytes to 6573, by changing just one sprite! :) So it looks like I will be changing the sprite stuff around a little bit, before going on with anything else. This will also help in getting Pokemon Purple to better fit on the SE, and maybe even a semi playable game for the 83+. :)

Oh yes, the time I posted was on my 83+, Green calc. SE should be considerably faster.

are the original 83+s 6MHz?

yes, as far as I know of.


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