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Forum post statistics

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DJ Omnimaga:
I wonder if this year we will have 100K? Seems like we're going towards that, and we would need less than 6000 posts a month in average, but since the community lost a lot of regular members in the past few months I'm wondering if the new ones will balance things out?

EDIT: Holy crap, Cemetech had one heck of a giant drop in posts per day too this month. They even had a few 30-40 post days and they used to have 200 (even close to 300) every few day O.O

And UTI has like one post a day

DJ Omnimaga:
The new graph, for Juju

Thanks :)

Updated the stats page.

DJ Omnimaga:
Cool ^^

It needed a small update considering it was 2 months out of date. :P

EDIT: October update of the graph for Juju

EDIT: Feb!

Remember ?
Well, yeah, it is the image linked on the stats page.
I fixed some glitches up and added back the avarage-7 and avarage-30!
Not only that, the light blue on the bottom is the number of new topics on that day!

There are even some more hidden features with stuff you can do over the URL parameters:
start: the start date of the graph, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
end: the end date of the graph, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
height: the height of the resulting image in pixels, max is 1000

For example to get the posts between 12th March 2005 and 31st December 2011 with a height of 800 pixels you do:
Or all posts since 1st Jan 2015 with a height of 500 pixels:


Also legit 4-year necro ^.^


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